Search the Program
Session Type
- Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6) 8 matches
- Assessment and evaluation 6 matches
- Case study 5 matches
- Change leadership (ASCN WG 3) 5 matches
- Costs and benefits of change (ASCN WG 2) 4 matches
- DBER 4 matches
- Department-level change 13 matches
- Equity and inclusion (ASCN WG 5) 10 matches
- Evidence-based practice 16 matches
- Faculty development 22 matches
- Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1) 17 matches
- Institutional-level change 23 matches
- Measuring the impacts of change (ASCN WG 4) 8 matches
- National-level change 1 match
- New frameworks and approaches to change 4 matches
- Student-focused 24 matches
Results 1 - 25 of 62 matches
Using the Change Dashboard to Conceptualize Change Projects for Campus Reforms
Charles Henderson, Western Michigan University; Kate White, Temple University
Planning for successful institutionalization of effective instructional strategies and policies in undergraduate education requires understanding the complexity of the system under consideration and purposefully ...
Session Type: Pre-Conference Workshop
Time: 1:00pm - 4:1:00pm - 4:00pm
Advancing diversity and inclusion through multilevel strategic leadership
Kathy Takayama, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Matt Kaplan, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Alison Cook-Sather, Bryn Mawr College
Advancing diversity and inclusion involves working at multiple levels across the entire institution (AAC&U, 2015), and bridging levels always raises complexities (Cook & Sorcinelli, 2005). While catalysts ...
Session Type: Pre-Conference Workshop
Time: 1:00pm - 4:1:00pm - 4:00pm
Using a Change Framework and Assessing Institutional Change: Lessons from Boise State University
Susan Shadle, Boise State University; Brittnee Earl, Boise State University
In this highly interactive session, participants will be introduced to components of a change framework and related change theories that have been used successfully in a large-scale institutional STEM Education ...
Session Type: Pre-Conference Workshop
Time: 1:00pm - 4:1:00pm - 4:00pm
Using Social Psychological Interventions to Improve Learning of All Students
chandralekha singh, University of Pittsburgh-Main Campus; Kevin Binning, University of Pittsburgh-Main Campus; Emily Marshman, University of Pittsburgh-Main Campus; Zeynep Yasemin Kalender, University of Pittsburgh-Main Campus
Instructors often focus on content and pedagogical approaches to improve student engagement and learning in physics courses. However, students' motivational characteristics can also play an important role in ...
Session Type: Pre-Conference Workshop
Time: 2:30pm - 4:2:30pm - 4:00pm
We have no choice: why systemic change must happen in undergraduate education
Robin Wright, National Science Foundation
The increasingly rapid pace of change in science and society make systemic change more critical in higher education than it has ever been. In this interactive presentation, spend some time visualizing where ...
Session Type: Plenary
Time: 4:30pm - 5:4:30pm - 5:45pm
Enhancing research capacity for systemic change in undergraduate STEM education by analyzing, organizing, and synthesizing theories of change
Tessa Andrews, University of Georgia; Daniel Reinholz, San Diego State University
Widespread calls and national funding for improving the diversity and preparation of STEM undergraduates have rapidly expanded the number of people investigating change in this context. This creates great potential ...
Session Type: Thematic Symposium
Tracks: Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1)
Themes: DBER, Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1)
Time: 8:00am - 9:8:00am - 9:30am
Transforming STEM education using a multipronged systems approach and High Impact Practices (HIPs)
Allison D'Costa, Georgia Gwinnett College; Cindy Achat-Mendes, Georgia Gwinnett College; Judy Awong-Taylor, Georgia Gwinnett College; Tirza Leader, Georgia Gwinnett College; Clay Runck, Georgia Gwinnett College; Chantelle Anfuso, Georgia Gwinnett College; David Pursell, Georgia Gwinnett College; Thomas Mundie, Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) is an open access institution that attracts a highly diverse population of students, including many from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM education. To address the needs ...
Session Type: Thematic Symposium
Themes: Student-focused, Equity and inclusion (ASCN WG 5), Institutional-level change
Time: 8:00am - 9:8:00am - 9:30am
Embedded expert models: Implementing change initiatives which support departments from within
Stephanie Chasteen, University of Colorado at Boulder; Andrea Follmer Greenhoot, University of Kansas Main Campus; Carolyn Aslan, Cornell University-Endowed Colleges; Sarah Bean Sherman, University of British Columbia
Educational change efforts focused at the department level can be particularly powerful. This session will focus on the use of discipline-based educational experts (DBESs) embedded directly within departments as ...
Session Type: Thematic Symposium
Tracks: Change leadership (ASCN WG 3)
Themes: DBER, Change leadership (ASCN WG 3), Department-level change
Time: 8:00am - 9:8:00am - 9:30am
Sustaining Institutional Change for Inclusive Excellence
Jill Sible, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ; Jeremy Wojdak, Radford University; Laura Gough, Towson University; Patrice Moss, Trinity Washington University; Najla Miranda Mouchrek, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
Inclusive Excellence as a concept unifies our best aspirations for equitable student success in higher education, evidence-based pedagogical reform, and the value of a diverse and diversely educated populace. ...
Session Type: Thematic Symposium
Tracks: Equity and inclusion (ASCN WG 5)
Themes: Faculty development, Equity and inclusion (ASCN WG 5), Institutional-level change, Case study
Time: 8:00am - 9:8:00am - 9:30am
The REFLECT Project: Spreading Evidence-Based Teaching in STEM
Stephanie Salomone, University of Portland; Heather Dillon, University of Portland; Eric Anctil, University of Portland; Valerie Peterson, University of Portland; Carolyn James, University of Portland; Tara Prestholdt, University of Portland
This interactive session explores how REFELCT, an NSF-funded project underway at XXXX University, is shifting teaching culture toward the adoption of evidence-based practices. This interactive session includes ...
Session Type: Thematic Symposium
Tracks: Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6)
Themes: Evidence-based practice, Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6), Faculty development
Time: 8:30am - 9:8:30am - 9:30am
Towards Servingness: Transforming STEM Education at Hispanic Serving Institutions
Vignesh Subbian, The University of Arizona; Guadalupe Lozano, The University of Arizona; Marla Franco, The University of Arizona
The number of higher education institutions earning the designation of Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) has more than doubled between 2005 and 2018, and accounts for 15% of all non-profit, degree granting ...
Session Type: Thematic Symposium
Tracks: Equity and inclusion (ASCN WG 5)
Themes: Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1), Equity and inclusion (ASCN WG 5), Evidence-based practice, Case study
Time: 10:00am - 11:10:00am - 11:30am
Mentoring Faculty Course Reform Teams to Disseminate Evidence-based Reforms and Engage Departments
Andrew Feig, Wayne State University; Sara Kacin, Wayne State University
One of the greatest challenges with implementing evidence-based reforms of STEM teaching is engaging research-focused tenure-track faculty. In many cases, these faculty need the right mix of incentives and ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6)
Themes: Evidence-based practice, Assessment and evaluation, Faculty development, Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6)
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:10:00am - 10:10:00am - 10:30am
From Lecture to Studio: The Story of MSU's Department of Physics and Astronomy
Marcos D. Caballero, Michigan State University; Paul W. Irving, Michigan State University; Daryl McPadden, Michigan State University; Vashti Sawtelle, Michigan State University; Cori Fata-Hartley, Michigan State University
Michigan State University's Department of Physics and Astronomy is engaged in a major transformation of its introductory courses for both physical science and engineering majors as well as life science majors. ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Change leadership (ASCN WG 3)
Themes: Evidence-based practice, Change leadership (ASCN WG 3), Department-level change
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:10:00am - 10:10:00am - 10:30am
Navigating the bridge between theory and action: Validating the Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE) Theory of Change
Heather Seitz, Johnson County Community College; Erika Offerdahl, Washington State University- Pullman; Carol Colbeck, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
The Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE), a non-profit organization, provides life sciences departments at all types of US higher education institutions with training and resources to ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1)
Themes: Assessment and evaluation, Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1), Student-focused
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:10:00am - 10:10:00am - 10:30am
An evaluation of the differential effects of the prerequisite pathways on student performance in an introductory biology course
Amy Kulesza, Ohio State University-Main Campus; Jerome D'Agostino, Ohio State University-Main Campus; Judith Ridgway, Ohio State University-Main Campus
For almost a century, researchers and educators have been asking the question, does a prerequisite science course achieve its goal of preparing students for a subsequent course? Although early studies have shown ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Themes: Student-focused, Institutional-level change
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:10:00am - 10:10:00am - 10:30am
Measuring Systemic Change in Introductory Science Courses
Cori Fata-Hartley, Michigan State University
Michigan State University has adopted a transformation approach for introductory science courses based on the vision for science teaching and learning described in the NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education. This ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Change leadership (ASCN WG 3)
Themes: Faculty development, Change leadership (ASCN WG 3), Department-level change
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:10:30am - 11:10:30am - 11:00am
Pursuing systemic change in undergraduate STEM education through Departmental and Leadership Teams for Action (DeLTA)
Tessa Andrews, University of Georgia; Sarah Covert, University of Georgia; Erin Dolan, University of Georgia; Paula Lemons, University of Georgia
The DeLTA project aims to promote comprehensive change in thinking and culture related to undergraduate STEM education at the University of Georgia. Our approach is multi-level; we are convening and supporting the ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1)
Themes: Institutional-level change, Faculty development, Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1), Department-level change, Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6)
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:10:30am - 11:10:30am - 11:00am
Using Data-Driven Faculty Professional Development To Promote Change In Undergraduate Education
Gili Marbach-Ad, University of Maryland-College Park; Carly Hunt, University of Maryland-College Park; Patrick Sheehan, University of Maryland-College Park; Kaci Thompson, University of Maryland-College Park
Employers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields report that recent graduates are deficient in important workplace skills (e.g., collaboration, professional writing). This has motivated ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6)
Themes: Student-focused, Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6), Faculty development
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:10:30am - 11:10:30am - 11:00am
The Sky is the Limit: A Learning Community for Undeclared Students--A Sustainable Investment in Student Success and Retention
Stacey Barnes, Iowa State University; Jenifer N. Saldanha, Michigan State University; MaKayla B. Schroeder, Minnesota State University Moorhead; Andrew J. Sage, Lawrence University; Jo Anne Powell-Coffman, Iowa State University; Craig Ogilvie, Iowa State University; Clark Coffman, Iowa State University
Student learning communities have proven to be a consistently powerful strategy for promoting student success. At Iowa State University, approximately 78% of freshmen belong to learning communities, and this ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Themes: Student-focused, Institutional-level change
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:10:30am - 11:10:30am - 11:00am
How to be a great embedded expert! Catalyzing change in your department from the inside.
Stephanie Chasteen, University of Colorado at Boulder; Sarah Bean Sherman, University of British Columbia
In this presentation we will share our recommendations for embedded experts; faculty and postdocs with education expertise, embedded within departments. We will share lessons-learned in partnering effectively with ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Change leadership (ASCN WG 3)
Themes: DBER, Change leadership (ASCN WG 3), Department-level change
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:11:00am - 11:11:00am - 11:30am
Putting the Teaching Quality Framework Initiative into action: A case-study comparison of three departments engaged in transforming teaching evaluation
Sarah Andrews, University of Colorado at Boulder; Jessica Keating, University of Colorado at Boulder; Joel Corbo, University of Colorado at Boulder; Mark Gammon, University of Colorado at Boulder; Daniel Reinholz, San Diego State University; Noah Finkelstein, University of Colorado at Boulder
The Teaching Quality Framework (TQF) Initiative seeks to create a process and tools for systemic transformation of departmental evaluation of teaching. As part of the Bay View Alliance and NSF funded TTEVAL ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1)
Themes: Faculty development, Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1), Department-level change, Case study
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:11:00am - 11:11:00am - 11:30am
Spreading teaching-reform efforts at the University of Arizona
Lisa Elfring, The University of Arizona; Jonathan Cox, The University of Arizona
It can be difficult for individuals within higher-education institutions to move their work in reformed, evidence-based instruction from the individual to an institutional-adoption level (Foote, Knaub, Henderson, ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Tracks: Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6)
Themes: Faculty development, Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change (ASCN WG 6), Institutional-level change, Case study
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:11:00am - 11:11:00am - 11:30am
Fostering interdisciplinary, cross-institutional collaboration to provide undergraduate STEM students with authentic learning experiences
Kelly McDonald, California State University-Sacramento; Thomas E. Landerholm, California State University-Sacramento
The Sustainable Interdisciplinary Research to Inspire Undergraduate Success (SIRIUS) Project is broadening participation and institutional capacity for STEM learning at Sacramento State by integrating research ...
Session Type: Oral Presentation
Themes: Student-focused, Institutional-level change
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am:11:00am - 11:11:00am - 11:30am
That None Shall Perish
Kelly Mack, Association of American Colleges and Universities
Addressing the nation's need for a competitively trained, liberally educated, and diverse STEM workforce requires the kind of systemic change that represents a radical departure from our reliance on the ...
Session Type: Plenary
Time: 11:45am - 1:11:45am - 1:00pm
National Academies' Roundtable on Systemic Change in Undergraduate STEM Education: Directions and Opportunities
Ann Austin, Michigan State University; Mark Rosenberg, Florida International University; Kerry Brenner, The National Academies; Noah Finkelstein, University of Colorado at Boulder
The National Academies for Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine has initiated a multi-year Roundtable on Systemic Reform in Undergraduate STEM Education to focus on the future of undergraduate STEM education and ...
Session Type: Thematic Symposium
Tracks: Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1)
Themes: National-level change, Guiding theories of change (ASCN WG 1)
Time: 1:15pm - 2:1:15pm - 2:45pm