How to be a great embedded expert! Catalyzing change in your department from the inside.
11:00am - 11:30am
Oral Presentation

In this presentation we will share our recommendations for embedded experts; faculty and postdocs with education expertise, embedded within departments. We will share lessons-learned in partnering effectively with faculty, and how to get started and get better at this course transformation work. Come share your own challenges and successes, and learn from our conversations and reflections with the dozens of people who have held these sorts of positions! These recommendations form a significant part of our newly released SEI Handbook, available free online at The SEI Handbook shares the accumulated wisdom of practice in how to effectively implement a model of change based on the SEIs at CU Boulder and UBC: It is divided into three parts in consideration of the three main groups involved in such an initiative: initiative leaders, departmental leaders, and the embedded experts (whom we call discipline-based education specialists, or DBESs). This presentation is aimed directly at the DBESs.
Presentation Media
Final slides - how to be a great embedded expert (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 7.4MB Apr3 19)Presentation Media
How to be a great embedded expert - slides (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 1.6MB Apr1 19)How to be a great embedded expert - handouts (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 173kB Apr1 19)
Useful links
- Science Education Initiative Handbook
- Sign up for our discussion forum here. This will be used as an ongoing discussion forum for this and other opportunities to engage SEI-related efforts. Post jobs, ask about partnering with faculty or engaging departments, etc. Once you are signed up, you can access the discussion forum here.
- TRESTLE Network . The Transforming Education, Stimulating Teaching and Learning Excellence (TRESTLE) Network is a 7-institution project to use the SEI model in different contexts. Find outputs and resources from our project, such as COPUS observation training protocols, on our website.