2017 SMTI-ASCN Workshop
Quick Links: Program | Participants | Case Studies | Posters | Submit a Poster
June 24–25, 2017
Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, Louisiana
Start time: 3:00 pm CT, June 24
End time: 5:30 pm CT, June 25

Registration is closed.
This summer, in partnership with the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), we are organizing the 2017 SMTI/ASCN Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion . The APLU Science and Mathematics Teaching Imperative (SMTI) is a community of faculty, department chairs, deans, and provosts who are engaged in improving STEM teaching and teacher preparation. This workshop immediately follows the NSEC 2017 National Conference . The 2017 ASCN Annual Meeting is the day after the SMTI-ASCN meeting.
Schedule of complementary June events
The goal of the 2017 SMTI/ASCN Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion is to advance a dialog on diversity and inclusion in undergraduate STEM education between practitioners transforming institutions and researchers who are studying systemic change at higher education institutions.
The workshop will feature five case studies of institutions that are making progress on increasing diversity and inclusion on their campuses. We will use these case studies to stimulate discussion amongst all participants on what is working or not on their campuses. Short descriptions of the case studies are available here.
We invite you to take part in this conversation
The workshop will help you to connect and learn with faculty, staff, and administrators who are engaged with systemic change efforts, so that you can take back to your community new ideas on how to foster an inclusive campus environment.
During the workshop you will have opportunities to:
- Share and reflect on best practices and lessons learned about facilitating change initiatives around diversity;
- Learn about different change theories, ways to measure success, and other topics to aid you in advancing systemic institutional change;
- Participate in discussions on potential solutions to common challenges in creating and implementing diversity initiatives.
[resource 50910 'Register for the workshop' button]
The ASCN Annual meeting will be on June 26th, the day after the SMTI-ASCN workshop. Please let us know if you plan to attend the meeting: RSVP
Submit a poster abstract
We are accepting posters on a broad range of topics related to diversity and inclusion, improving undergraduate STEM education, and systemic change. We encourage you to share your innovative ideas, showcase your work, or present your research highlights. You can submit your poster abstract until May 12.

Hotel Reservations
Hotel Monteleone is the official conference hotel.
The group block of rooms with a discounted rate is full.
Check back soon for more workshop updates!
Organizing Committee:
Schedule of June Events
All events are at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans, Louisiana. While these events are complementary, each event is independent and requires a separate registration.
NSEC 2017 National Conference
June 23-24, 2017
Start time: 7:00 am, June 23
End time: 4:00 pm, June 24
2017 SMTI-ASCN Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion
June 24-25, 2017
End time: 5:30 pm, June 25
2017 ASCN Annual Meeting
June 26, 2017
End time: 1:30 pm, June 26