Teaching Evaluation Resources

Teaching Evaluation is a critical area for systemic change to support faculty in incorporating inclusive and evidence-based practices into their work. Many initiatives to reform teaching evaluation processes have been based at individual universities and colleges, and the community of change agents working to address this area can benefit from aggregating resources to support improvements to teaching evaluation.

TheAligning Faculty Incentives with Systemic Change working group has collected and curated a repository of Teaching Evaluation Initiatives in STEM higher education, an aggregated collection of published resources for Teaching Evaluation, and a set of perspectives on the National Dialogue on Transforming STEM Teaching Evaluation in Higher Education hosted by NASEM. These resources are intended to support anyone interested in addressing systemic change through teaching evaluation.

Curated Teaching Evaluation Initiative Repository

The repository contains resources and initiative descriptions submitted by our ASCN community. An Initiative is a concerted program or set of related efforts that have been undertaken to change the policies, processes, or practices around teaching evaluation.

Curated Teaching Initiative Repository »

Teaching Evaluation Articles and Information

These are articles and information that our ASCN community has found to be helpful for their change efforts.

Teaching Evaluation Critical Resources »

Perspectives on Evaluating Effective Teaching Discussion

In January of 2021, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) hosted the National Dialogue on Transforming STEM Teaching Evaluation in Higher Education. According to NASEM, the goals of the dialogue were to "contextualize the critical importance of effective and inclusive teaching today; understand the broad array of models and approaches to improve the evaluation of teaching; and examine strategies on how to address cross-cutting challenges to reform processes for evaluating teaching." Many ASCN members participated in the event. Read their "aha!" moments, perspectives, and key takeaways.

Perspectives on Evaluating Effective Teaching »

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