Leading departmentally-based change initiatives: The Science Education Initiative Handbook
2:45pm - 3:30pm
Admiral | Poster 2
Poster Presentation

Educational change efforts focused at the department level can be particularly powerful. Positive outcomes, however, are not automatic. This poster will share some of the big lessons-learned from the Science Education Initiatives (SEIs) designed by Carl Wieman, in which postdoctoral fellows were embedded directly within disciplinary departments as catalysts of change. Come see our messages for initiative leaders, departmental faculty, and embedded postdocs and instructors, and win a chance for a printed copy of our new free, open-source SEI Handbook, at https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/seihandbook/.
Presentation Media
SEI_Handbook-ASCN_poster_draft2019-03-28-19 (Acrobat (PDF) 6.9MB Apr1 19)Useful links
- Science Education Initiative Handbook
- Sign up for our discussion forum here. This will be used as an ongoing discussion forum for this and other opportunities to engage SEI-related efforts. Post jobs, ask about partnering with faculty or engaging departments, etc. Once you are signed up, you can access the discussion forum here.
- TRESTLE Network . The Transforming Education, Stimulating Teaching and Learning Excellence (TRESTLE) Network is a 7-institution project to use the SEI model in different contexts. Find outputs and resources from our project, such as COPUS observation training protocols, on our website.