Curated Teaching Evaluation Initiative Repository

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The Teaching Evaluation Change Initiatives repository serves as a searchable collection of teaching evaluations, which are assessed on how well they are aligned with systemic change. Teaching initiatives are reviewed regularly by the Repository Editorial Board. For more information on the editorial process, refer to the Teaching Evaluation Change Initiatives Guide.

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    Results 1 - 10 of 18 matches

    Boise State University/Framework for Assessing Teaching Effectiveness (FATE)
    The Framework for Assessing Teaching Effectiveness, or FATE initiative at Boise State seeks to develop an inclusive framework and rubric to formatively and summatively assess teaching. The rubric is intended to be ...

    University of Massachusetts Amherst/TEval
    UMass Amherst is the lead institution on a 5-university grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the subject of changing the evaluation of teaching and studying that change process: "Transforming ...

    Center for Teaching Innovation (CTI) - Cornell University
    CTI provides information and resources for faculty members to document their teaching and provides consultations to departments/colleges using peer review of teaching as part of promotion and/or tenure review. ...

    Peer Review of Teaching Protocol, University of Arizona
    Documentation for promotion and tenure requires a teaching portfolio and peer review evaluations. In response, the OIA developed an interactive, online protocol that can be used for peer review of teaching.

    USC Excellence in Teaching Initiative
    Peer review will be based on classroom observation, and review of course materials, course design and assignments. Peer evaluators also will consider teaching reflection statements and inclusive practices.

    Observation Protocol for Active Learning (OPAL) - Washington University in St. Louis
    The Observation Protocol for Active Learning (OPAL) can be used to collect research data, and also to consult and collaborate with STEM faculty to provide feedback on, and support for, their teaching innovations. ...

    Student Course Survey Items, University of Arizona
    In 2019, a working group of faculty members revised end-of-course survey questions based on research around best practices.

    Teaching Evaluation Guidelines - Michigan State University (MSU)
    The College of Natural Sciences at Michigan State University provides a broad framework of guidelines for departments to adapt and use for promotion and tenure decisions. The subsection on teaching evaluation ...

    The Career Framework for University Teaching
    The Career Framework for University Teaching is designed to guide and support the career progression of academics on the basis of their contribution to teaching and learning. Offering both a structured pathway for ...

    Teaching Quality Framework Initiative
    The Teaching Quality Framework (TQF) initiative facilitates departmental and campus-wide efforts to provide a richer evaluation of teaching. Through enhanced evaluations, we promote and value high quality teaching, ...