Change Leaders Critical Resources
What are the Critical Resources for Change Leaders?
This searchable collection contains documents and sites for those who are interested in leading change. Review the questions below to learn more about leading change and explore the curated resources in the collection.
The critical resource collection explains why the resources are useful for change leaders or those who want to become change leaders.
How can I lead change?
Anybody can be a change leader. If you are creating, facilitating, or advocating for change in STEM education, at any level of the higher education system, you are a change leader. Change leaders may be either formal or informal leaders -- graduate students, faculty members, education leaders, department chairs, professional developers, administrators, etc.
To effectively lead change, think carefully about what type of change you are trying to accomplish, and how you might accomplish this. Who else do you need to involve? What do you need to learn? What might the barriers be? What data might support your planning?
How can I support those who lead change?
Those supporting change leaders often have skills, connections, and/or authority that can be valuable to the change leader. Supports can be within the institution, from chairs and administrators, teaching and learning center staff, or other faculty. Outside the institution, professional organizations and other support networks can be critical.
Develop change leadership competencies
What professional development might they need, and how can they get it? How can you help them identify resources, barriers, and institutional context? How can you help them to access or collect relevant data?
Champion change leader's efforts
Make the work of change leaders work visible within and across departments, celebrate their efforts, and reward them as possible. You may act as a valuable liaison to other stakeholders, including those in positions of authority, translating the change leader's efforts to appropriate language.
Professional development resources for supporters of change leaders include leadership and facilitation training, training in organizational change, and involvement with organizations for professional developers (such as POD).
Review the resources below to learn more!
Change Topics (Working Groups)
Target Audience
Resource Type
Results 1 - 10 of 25 matches
The Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative at UBC: A Dean's Perspective
The Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative at UBC: A Dean's Perspective By Dean Simon Peacock, describes his perspective on the lessons learned as Dean helping to lead this effort. The Carl Wieman Science ...
Target Audience: Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Institution Administration
Resource Type: White Paper
Program Components: Professional Development:Course Evaluation, Curriculum Development
How Does Your Professional Organization Lead Positive Change?
Pamela Brown, CUNY New York City College of Technology
We are creating resources for the ASCN Working Group 4: Demonstrating Impact and others, interested in higher education systemic change efforts, by soliciting responses to important questions. This month's ...
Target Audience: College/University Staff, Institution Administration, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Non-tenure Track Faculty
Resource Type: Blog Post
Program Components: Outreach:Policy Change
Strategic Toolkit: Strategies for Effecting Gender Equity and Institutional Change
Strategic Toolkit: Strategies for Effecting Gender Equity and Institutional Change The Toolkit includes 13 Strategic Intervention Briefs that each explain a specific intervention to foster change for greater ...
Target Audience: Post-doctoral Fellows, Graduate Students, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Non-tenure Track Faculty, Institution Administration
Resource Type: Toolkit
Program Components: Institutional Systems
Achieving Systemic Change; a sourcebook for Advancing and Funding STEM Education
Achieving Systemic Change; a sourcebook for Advancing and Funding STEM Education The sourcebook from the AACU 2014 workshop discusses how best to effect systemic change in undergraduate STEM, including the ...
Target Audience: Institution Administration, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty
Resource Type: Book
Program Components: Institutional Systems:Strategic Planning, Professional Development, Institutional Systems
Misalignments: Challenges in Cultivating Science Faculty with Education Specialties in Your Department
Misalignments: Challenges in Cultivating Science Faculty with Education Specialties in Your Department This paper describes the role and potential contributions of science faculty with education specialties within ...
Target Audience: Institution Administration, Post-doctoral Fellows, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Non-tenure Track Faculty, College/University Staff
Resource Type: Journal Article
Program Components: Professional Development:Curriculum Development, Institutional Systems:Personnel/Hiring, Strategic Planning, Outreach:Policy Change, Institutional Systems:Interdepartmental Collaboration, Professional Development:Pedagogical Training, Institutional Systems:Evaluating Teaching
Transformative Learning Networks: Guidelines and Insights for Netweavers
× Transformative Learning Networks: Guidelines and Insights for Netweavers ( This site may be offline. ) This report, aimed at designers and members of learning networks, explores how networks can foster ...
Target Audience: Institution Administration, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Non-tenure Track Faculty, College/University Staff
Resource Type: Report
Program Components: Institutional Systems:Strategic Planning, Outreach:Policy Change, Inter-Institutional Collaboration, Institutional Systems:Personnel/Hiring, Interdepartmental Collaboration
Accelerating change: The power of faculty change agents to promote diversity and inclusive teaching practices
R. Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary; Rachel Beane, Bowdoin College; Eric Baer, Highline College; Pamela Eddy, College of William and Mary; Norlene Emerson, University of Wisconsin-Richland; Jan Hodder; University of Oregon; Ellen Iverson, Carleton College; John McDaris, Carleton College; Kristin O'Connell, Carleton College; Carol Ormand, Carleton College
This article about preparing faculty to act as change agents to support diversity and inclusion is applicable to both two-year colleges and a larger audience.
Target Audience: Post-doctoral Fellows, Institution Administration, Non-tenure Track Faculty, College/University Staff, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty
Resource Type: Journal Article
Program Components: Institutional Systems:Incentive/Reward Systems, Strategic Planning, Professional Development:Diversity/Inclusion
Competencies for Community College Leaders
× Competencies for Community College Leaders This resource offers information on competencies leadership programs/colleges should consider when designing programs to develop tomorrow's community college ...
Target Audience: Institution Administration, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, College/University Staff
Resource Type: Report
Program Components: Supporting Students:Professional Preparation, Outreach:Policy Change, Institutional Systems:Degree Program Development
The Science Education Initiative Handbook
Stephanie Chasteen and Warren Code
× The Science Education Initiative Handbook This book offers advice on implementing a department-level changes to curricula and instructional practices facilitated by Discipline-Based Educational Specialists ...
Target Audience: Post-doctoral Fellows, Non-tenure Track Faculty, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, College/University Staff
Resource Type: Book
Program Components: Professional Development:Curriculum Development, Institutional Systems:Evaluating Teaching, Interdepartmental Collaboration, Professional Development:Pedagogical Training, Institutional Systems:Personnel/Hiring
Leading Change
× Leading Change This book describes the process of leading change in any type of organization. Suggested Citation Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Harvard business press.
Target Audience: Graduate Students, Post-doctoral Fellows, College/University Staff, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Non-tenure Track Faculty, Institution Administration
Resource Type: Book
Program Components: Outreach:Policy Change