ASCN Publications
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A repository for resources published by ASCN and its partners.
2024 ASCN Publications
Aligning Financial Decisions with Inclusive and Effective Instructional Practices Workshop Brief
On February 20-22, 2024, academic change agents, chief financial/business officers, learning analytics experts, and academic leaders met at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to discuss a charge to align financial and academic decision-making. Participants came to consensus on the benefits of integrative decision-making that involved co-leadership from academic, student success, and financial "sides" of the academic enterprise.
FAITE Workshop Brief (Acrobat (PDF) 106kB Jun3 24)
2022 ASCN Publications
2021 ASCN Annual Report

We are pleased to present the 2021 annual report for the Accelerating Systemic Change Network (ASCN) which provides an overview of ASCN activities, highlights our milestones and accomplishments, and includes some of our vision for the future.
2021 ASCN Annual Report (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 2.6MB Jan11 22)
2021 ASCN Publications
2020 ASCN Annual Report
We are pleased to present the 2020 annual report for the Accelerating Systemic Change Network (ASCN) which provides an overview of ASCN activities, highlights our milestones and accomplishments, and includes some of our vision for the future.
2020 ASCN Annual Report (Acrobat (PDF) 3MB Nov18 21)
2020 ASCN Publications
Transforming Institutions: Accelerating Systemic Change in Higher Education
This volume of Transforming Institutions follows from and builds on its predecessor of five years ago (Weaver et al., 2015) with a mix of case studies, models, and analyses. The authors and editors provide key perspectives for advancing change initiatives in higher education and STEM education. The Transforming Institutions conferences and book series began with the first convening in 2011 at Purdue University, organized by the Discovery Learning Research Center (DLRC), and continues with the 2019 and 2021 Transforming Institutions Conferences. The meeting sought then, as it still does, to bring together researchers, academic leaders, national organizations and funding agency representatives to discuss the practical aspects of changing institutional practices to align with the large body of evidence in the field. The editors and authors of this volume consider this work to be a beginning and hope it will be a call to action for every reader.
The Change Dashboard

The Change Dashboard is a visual planning and communication tool for change agents working in higher education. The Dashboard articulates the key tactics of an action plan to get from the current state to the desired state. It visually scaffolds change agents to articulate gaps between a project's current and desired states and develop tactics that are aligned with the goals and with one-another. The Change Dashboard is thus similar to a logic model, but aligned with systemic change scholarship. In this document we will introduce each part and prepare you to use the Dashboard with your team. The Dashboard is free to use and share with attribution.
The Change Dashboard White Paper (Acrobat (PDF) 2.2MB Feb25 20)
Large-scale Printable Dashboard (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 292kB Oct7 19)
2019 ASCN Annual Report

We are pleased to present the 2019 annual report for the Accelerating Systemic Change Network (ASCN) which provides an overview of ASCN activities, highlights our milestones and accomplishments, and includes some of our vision for the future.
2019 ASCN Annual Report (Acrobat (PDF) 4.8MB Feb24 20)
2019 ASCN Publications
List of Critical Resources for Aligning Faculty Work with Systemic Change

Produced by ASCN's Working Group 6, this document lists critical resources for aligning faculty work with systemic change. A list of the resources and fully annotated bibliography are available for download.
Critical Resources List Annotated (Acrobat (PDF) 58kB Mar7 19)
Critical Resources List (Acrobat (PDF) 61kB Mar7 19)
2018 ASCN Annual Report

We are pleased to present the 2018 annual report for the Accelerating Systemic Change Network (ASCN) which provides an overview of ASCN activities, highlights our milestones and accomplishments, and includes some of our vision for the future.
2018 ASCN Annual Report (Acrobat (PDF) 5.2MB Feb13 19)
2018 ASCN Publications
2017 ASCN Annual Report

We are pleased to present the very first annual report for the Accelerating Systemic Change Network (ASCN) which provides an overview of ASCN activities, highlights our milestones and accomplishments, and includes some of our vision for the future.
2017 ASCN Annual Report (Acrobat (PDF) 2.4MB Jan25 18)
2017 ASCN Publications
Proceedings from the 2017 SMTI/ASCN Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion

Planning and Institutionalizing Change
This summer, ASCN partnered with the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) to organize the 2017 SMTI/ASCN Workshop on Diversity and Inclusion. This report captures the ideas discussed and new understandings developed during the workshop. Four cases were analyzed by ASCN Working Groups and used to stimulate discussion amongst all participants on what is working or not on their campuses. These cases are included in this publication.
Full Report (Acrobat (PDF) 19.4MB Nov10 17)
Report (without cases) (Acrobat (PDF) 17.3MB Nov10 17)
Individual cases:
- Promoting Educational Reform through Strategic Investments in Systemic Transformation (PERSIST), Boise State University (Acrobat (PDF) 480kB Nov10 17)
- Strategies for Recruiting and Engaging Students with Disabilities in Research Experience for Undergraduates, REU, Programs, The Ohio State University (Acrobat (PDF) 793kB Nov10 17)
- Systemic Transformation of Education through Evidence-Based Reforms (STEER), University of South Florida (Acrobat (PDF) 363kB Nov10 17)
- Cross Institutional Synergy for Women Scientists, University of Southern Mississippi (Acrobat (PDF) 757kB Nov10 17)