Submit a Teaching Evaluation Change Initiative

The purpose of this form is to share resources related to Teaching Evaluation Change Initiatives. Such resources may be of interest both to those involved in the details of the initiatives and those who are more interested in an overview of the structures and process used to carry out the change. The form is separated in two main sections to align with the interests of these groups. Please check the boxes next to the tags that are relevant for the resource that you are contributing. Don't forget to click 'Submit' when you are finished. Thanks for taking the time to share this resource!
Please include your contact information with this submission.

* required

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* required

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In this section, please select tags for the information you are sharing from the standpoint of someone who may be interested in an overview of the resource. Select all that apply.

Audience (Who might be interested in this resource?)

Level of Intervention

Resource Type

Institution type (More information about Carnegie Classifications and MSI designations)

Scale of Change
Estimated time required for implementation by user

Resources for implementation

Scope of change

In this section, please select tags for the information you are sharing from the standpoint of someone who may be interested in using the resource. Select all that apply.

Primary Teaching and Learning Context

(developed over time with standards)

(not planned- reactionary, in response to crisis e.g. the pandemic)

(content access is limited to scheduled times)

(content access is flexible)

(f2f; content access is limited to a physical space)

More information about competency-based curriculum

More information about blended learning

Framework Emphasis

More information about SoTL frameworks

Tools/materials for evaluation

More information about COPUS and EQUIP

More information about TEval

Processes for revising teaching evaluation

Research-based pedagogies employed