Initial Publication Date: December 3, 2021

Collaborate with ASCN

Get in touch

Interested in collaborating with ASCN on your project or grant proposal?

Please send an email with project information to

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Are you wanting to work with a community of change agents? The Accelerating Systemic Change Network (ASCN) serves as a free, open, interdisciplinary, professional network of over 500 students, instructors, and administrators dedicated to creating and/or studying change in higher education. ASCN members generate, curate, and propagate knowledge to support pedagogical, curricular, and culture change in higher education. ASCN helps integrate what is known and soon-to-be-discovered about organizing, leading, and evaluating change efforts to maximize the individual and collective efforts of network members. As such, ASCN is open to building collaborations with new initiatives aimed at transforming education in a variety of ways.

Building Community

Utilize the extensive ASCN community! Opportunities for your project may include:

  • Creating equitable access to other communities of practice. 
  • Creating a working group on the project's focus area(s) (if desired) and supporting it by:
    • Collaborating with the project leaders as they convene their group so that they feel empowered and not overwhelmed. This is intended to minimize burn-out and support the group in its successful continuation.
    • Supporting behavior in the project that is in line with the overarching goals of ASCN. These goals include establishing a community for change agents; generating and curating knowledge about systemic change; and propagating this knowledge broadly.
  • Listing on the ASCN website of the groups' goals and outputs for recruitment purposes. 

Increasing Impact

ASCN uses a multi-tiered communication plan to share best practices. Your team may utilize:

  • Maximizing impact of resources produced by the project participants with ASCN community members (and beyond, where relevant) in a timely, accessible and collaborative manner to maximize their use and impact. This may include: publishing materials, managing social media, writing blog posts, or adding information in the monthly ASCN newsletter.
  • Collaboration on and support for creating outputs such as contributing to manuscripts and formatting of materials for publication on the ASCN website.
  • Amplification and dissemination of outputs such as providing a platform via the ASCN website, newsletter, blog, and social media (subject to editorial policy and scheduling).

Providing Structure

Benefit from the long-standing ASCN structure! Tangible supports may include:

  • A shared Google Drive folder for resource-sharing.
  • Email listserv that includes all group members.
  • A private SERC web space for group members to access links, notes, and the group email listserv .
  • Technical support for meetings/events: 
    • Event web pages and registration links 
    • Event advertisement in the ASCN monthly newsletter, "news and events" page of the website, and social media pages
    • Zoom meeting links for your regular monthly meetings (subject to availability)
    • Management of events, such as sending emails to participants, updating the website with resources, hosting the Zoom room, sending event surveys etc. 
  • Support with managing your group e.g. suggestions of other community members interested in your topic, advice on managing workflows, publicity, and dissemination.
Groups may be interested in working with ASCN to increase the number of change agents, disseminate important work, or use the structure to support logistics of the projects (or all 3!). Other ideas for supporting your project are welcome. If interested in collaborating with ASCN for your project or grant proposal, please send an email with project information to