University of Michigan/Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT)/Evaluation of Teaching


Peer Reviewed ✔ | Editorial Board Score: 15/18

University of Michigan/Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT)/Evaluation of Teaching

University of Michigan/CRLT

Contact: Matthew Kaplan (

CRLT provides extensive information resources about ways to assess teaching effectiveness beyond student ratings, and provides consulting services to faculty and to Chairs and faculty committees.

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Notes from the Teaching Evaluation Repository Editorial Board

This is a really wonderful resource. We had to dig a bit to get to the protocols for teaching evaluation, but they are there. Resources on peer review of teaching were particularly useful.

Additional Information

Audience: College/university staff, Teaching center staff, Departmental leaders, Graduate students & postdoctoral fellows, Undergraduate students, Student leaders, Change leaders, Faculty with long-term appointments, Faculty with short-term appointments, Institution administration, Institutional awards committees, Researchers

Level of Intervention: Course, Teaching center, Program, Department/unit, College, Institution - administration

Resource Type: Website

Institution Type: R1, Public

Scale of Change: 3-5 years, Self-implemented, Redesign of teaching evaluation only, Broad redesign of reward structure: teaching, research, service, evaluation

Primary Teaching and Learning Context: Multiple contexts

Framework Emphasis: SoTL frameworks, Recognition of spheres of influence in teaching

Tools/Materials for Evaluation: Peer observation, Observation tools (e.g., COPUS, EQUIP), Rubrics (e.g., Teval), Self-evaluation tools, Formative assessment tools for instructors, Willing to share materials

Processes for Revising Teaching Evaluation: Department level evaluation revision, Grassroots efforts, Senior-level administrative leaders

Research-Based Pedagogies: Multiple pedagogies