Teaching Quality Framework Initiative
Peer Reviewed ✔ | Editorial Board Score: 17/18
Teaching Quality Framework Initiative
Central, campus-wide, and departmental teams
Contact: Noah Finkelstein (noah.finkelstein@colorado.edu)
Part of: TEval
The Teaching Quality Framework (TQF) initiative facilitates departmental and campus-wide efforts to provide a richer evaluation of teaching. Through enhanced evaluations, we promote and value high quality teaching, align resources, and reward scholarly approaches to improving student learning. Drawing on decades of scholarship and national models, this initiative creates a common campus-wide approach that is disciplinarily defined and enacted, and centrally supported.
Review the associated resources and the Toolkit. Also check out the following publications:
- Transforming Teaching Evaluation in Disciplines: A Model and Case Study of Departmental Change,
- A Department-Level Cultural Change Project: Transforming the Evaluation of Teaching, and
- Establishing a Better Approach for Evaluating Teaching: The TEval Project
More information about this initiative »
Notes from the Teaching Evaluation Repository Editorial Board
Additional Information
Audience: College/university staff, Teaching center staff, Departmental leaders, Student leaders, Change leaders, Faculty with long-term appointments, Faculty with short-term appointments, Institution administration, Institutional awards committees, Researchers
Level of Intervention: Department/unit, College, Institution - administration
Institution Type: Public, Private, 2-year, 4-year, T1 (scholarly teaching-focused institution)
Scale of Change: Redesign of teaching evaluation only
Framework Emphasis: Recognition of spheres of influence in teaching
Tools/Materials for Evaluation: Peer observation, Observation tools (e.g., COPUS, EQUIP), Rubrics (e.g., Teval), Self-evaluation tools, Formative assessment tools for instructors
Processes for Revising Teaching Evaluation: Department level evaluation revision, Faculty governance reframing teaching evaluation, Grassroots efforts, Senior-level administrative leaders
Research-Based Pedagogies: Multiple pedagogies