Call for Submissions
Transforming Institutions: Accelerating Systemic Change in Higher Education

Proposal deadline: July 15, 2019

The purpose of this volume is to capture advances in the theory and practice of accelerating change in higher education at program, institution, and national levels. Keeping with the overall ASCN approach (opens in a new tab), the intent of this volume is to connect ideas from those who are researching systemic change in higher education with those who are making change happen. The volume is intended to be valuable for multiple stakeholders who care about the improvement of higher education: policy makers, funding agencies, education researchers, and change agents.

This volume is designed to build on the successful ASCN Transforming Institutions Conference (opens in a new tab) held April 3-5, 2019, in Pittsburgh, PA. The goals of the conference and of ASCN are to develop a robust community of change researchers and change agents who are prepared to accelerate change in higher education. These are meant to be "rapid communications" types of articles that get to the main idea quickly and succinctly. Articles will be grouped thematically to provide readers with an overview of current thinking in each area of research and practice. We also strongly encourage authors to consider the ways that their work does or can support inclusive excellence in education.

Authors must submit an extended abstract (maximum 500 words) and indicate how their submission will meet the goals of the volume. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified in August 2019 and expected to submit a full manuscript (approximately 3000 words) by December 6, 2019. This will be followed by two rounds of review and revision, with the goal of releasing the full volume in fall 2020.

Questions should be directed to: Kate White, kate.white at wmich dot edu

Name, institution, and email address are required for each author.

Name, institution, and email address are required for each author.

Submit an extended abstract (maximum 500 words) here.

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Use the checkboxes below to indicate a theme or themes for your submission. You may select multiple themes.

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