Initial Publication Date: February 16, 2022

University of Kansas/Center for Teaching Excellence/TEval


University of Kansas/Center for Teaching Excellence/TEval

University of Kansas/Center for Teaching Excellence

Contact: Andrea Greehoot (

Part of: TEval: University of Colorado Boulder, University of Kansas, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

University of Kansas's (KU's) Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) has designed a multidimentional rubric, professional development sequences, and other informational resources that departments can adapt to best suit their disciplines and structures in order to review and assess faculty teaching effectiveness. The KU Center for Teaching Excellence is collaborating on a five-year project, called TEval, supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF; DUE-1726087) to foster improved methods of reviewing, documenting and evaluating faculty teaching practices at KU, the University of Colorado, Boulder, and the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. The project involves working with departments and with institutional leaders to adapt and implement a rubric-based framework for documenting, reviewing and evaluating university teaching. The project is organized around the Benchmarks for Teaching Effectiveness framework developed by KU's Center for Teaching Excellence, and parallel frameworks at the other institutions.

More information about this initiative »

Additional Information

Audience: College/university staff, Teaching center staff, Departmental leaders, Graduate students & postdoctoral fellows, Undergraduate students, Student leaders, Change leaders, Faculty with long-term appointments, Faculty with short-term appointments, Institution administration, Researchers

Level of Intervention: Course, Teaching center, Program, Department/unit, Across institutions

Resource Type: Interactive collection of materials (e.g., workbook), Website

Institution Type: R1, Public

Scale of Change: 3-5 years, Self-implemented, Broad redesign of reward structure: teaching, research, service, evaluation

Primary Teaching and Learning Context: Multiple contexts

Framework Emphasis: Justice, equity, diversity, inclusion focus, SoTL frameworks, Recognition of spheres of influence in teaching, Change theories

Tools/Materials for Evaluation: Peer observation, Observation tools (e.g., COPUS, EQUIP), Rubrics (e.g., Teval), Self-evaluation tools, Formative assessment tools for instructors, Willing to share materials

Processes for Revising Teaching Evaluation: Grant-funded project, Grassroots efforts, Professional organization/external accreditation

Research-Based Pedagogies: Multiple pedagogies