Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE)
Peer Reviewed ✔ | Editorial Board Score: 16/18
Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE)
PULSE/Multi-campus consortium/PULSE Leadership Fellows
Contact: Kathy Miller (
Part of: PULSE is a multi-institutional, national group leading life sciences education transformation to align with the Vision and Change initiative.
The Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE) Recognition process is an ambitious endeavor designed to motivate important changes in life sciences education nationwide. As a program within the overall PULSE community initiative, the Recognition process centers on evaluation at the department level providing tools & engaging departments to assess their life sciences education programs in accordance with the recommendations of Vision and Change. Participating departments are recognized for their achievements using a progression-level model similar to LEED construction-style recognition.
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Notes from the Teaching Evaluation Repository Editorial Board
Additional Information
Audience: College/university staff, Teaching center staff, Departmental leaders, Graduate students & postdoctoral fellows, Undergraduate students, Student leaders, Change leaders, Faculty with long-term appointments, Faculty with short-term appointments, Institution administration, Institutional awards committees, Researchers
Level of Intervention: Program, Department/unit, College, Across institutions
Resource Type: Website
Institution Type: R1, R2, Public, Private, 2-year, 4-year, Masters comprehensive, T1 (scholarly teaching-focused institution), Commuter
Scale of Change: 3-5 years, Other-implemented (need for community to implement), Broad redesign of reward structure: teaching, research, service, evaluation
Framework Emphasis: SoTL frameworks, Recognition of spheres of influence in teaching
Tools/Materials for Evaluation: Rubrics (e.g., Teval), Self-evaluation tools, Formative assessment tools for instructors, Willing to share materials
Processes for Revising Teaching Evaluation: Grant-funded project, Grassroots efforts
Research-Based Pedagogies: Inclusive practices, Active learning, Multiple pedagogies