Systemic Change Through the STEM Peer Mentors Program

Thursday 1:10 pm – 1:35 pm PT / 2:10 pm – 2:35 pm MT / 3:10 pm – 3:35 pm CT / 4:10 pm – 4:35 pm ET Online

Ashley Vaughn, Northern Kentucky University
Ellen Hokkanen, Northern Kentucky University

The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the development, implementation, and results of the first cohort of STEM Peer Mentors placed in first-year STEM seminar courses. The goal of this project is to improve retention in STEM and at the university by providing upperclassman role models for students by providing additional support for first-year students' transition to college life and to their major. While a normal teaching assistant for a course would help with course specific content, our Peer Mentors assist our seminar instructors on topics relating to the first-year experience, such as study skills, organization techniques, and 4-year planning. While instilling essential learning skills, STEM Peer Mentors will also build a sense of belongingness and community within the STEM disciplines by serving as a friendly face as well as a liaison to the many STEM extracurricular activities available on campus.

Our secondary goal is to develop STEM Peer Mentors into leaders within their departments through research-based training. In addition to mentoring responsibilities, Peer Mentors participate in a STEM leadership course and monthly group meeting to develop their leadership skills and learn effective high impact practices. This program includes close coordination and collaboration between the university STEM Center and five STEM departments (Computer Science, Mathematics & Statistic, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, Geology, & Engineering Technology), including first-year advisors and faculty.

The presentation will explain the developmental process of the STEM Peer Mentors, the changes made to the program for virtual/hybrid courses, the first semester implementation and outcomes, and the ongoing assessment as the project continues. We leveraged the unique position of our center to bring together multiple stakeholders across positions (advisors & faculty), departments, and colleges. In this poster we present the process of organizing, obtaining buy-in, evaluating, gaining feedback, and ultimately revising the program during the first year.

Presentation Media

10 Steps to Launch STEM Peer Mentors (Acrobat (PDF) 187kB Jun7 21)

Presentation Media

10 Steps to Launch STEM Peer Mentors (Acrobat (PDF) 187kB Jun7 21)


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