Welcome and Conclusion Sessions
Welcome and Conclusion
Each day we will start and end the conference together for multiple reasons.
1) We want to begin the day with energy as we all come together to learn about transforming institutions. We want to end the day with reflection and contemplation so our next day can be focused on new insights.
2) We want to be able to announce any changes to the program or technology should the need arise.
3) This gives us a chance to demonstrate best practices when it comes to learning: plan our days, create goals for our learning, anticipate what we might be able to get out of the sessions, and reflect on what we've learned so they are more likely to stay in our long-term memories.
4) Base camp will often start immediately from the welcome and be a final part of the day. We don't have time to waste and we want to use any extra energy/announcement time within our base camp groups!
We know it may seem like a welcome or conclusion session may not be a great use of time, but we promise to only use it for engaging, important information. We are not meeting for the sake of meeting but rather to ensure we all have the best possible conference experience. Grab your caffeine/water/thinking cap and join us!
Presentation Recordings