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Session Type
- 9:00am PT / 10:00am MT / 11:00am CT / 12:00pm ET 1 match
- 9:30am PT / 10:30am MT / 11:30am CT / 12:30pm ET 1 match
- 9:30am PT / 10:30am MT / 11:30am CT / 12:30pm ET 5 matches
- 10:05am PT / 11:05am MT / 12:05pm CT / 1:05pm ET 5 matches
- 10:20am PT / 11:20am MT / 12:20pm CT / 1:20pm ET 5 matches
- 11:00am PT / 12:00pm MT / 1:00pm CT / 2:00pm ET 1 match
- 10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:35pm ET 6 matches
- 10:55am PT / 11:55am MT / 12:55pm CT / 1:55pm ET 4 matches
- 11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:30pm ET 9 matches
- 12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:05pm ET 5 matches
- 12:00pm PT / 1:00pm MT / 2:00pm CT / 3:00pm ET 4 matches
- 12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:40pm ET 10 matches
- 1:10pm PT / 2:10pm MT / 3:10pm CT / 4:10pm ET 5 matches
Results 1 - 25 of 61 matches
Using Force Field Analysis to Advance STEM Education Reform
Lucas Hill, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Mark Graham, Yale University; Judy Milton, University of Georgia
Organizational theorists and change practitioners have advanced many useful tools relevant to the evaluation of complex, often multi-institutional, higher education STEM reform initiatives. Evaluators often engage ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Measuring Change
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, Scaling and Sustaining Change, Role of Centers/Faculty Development in Promoting Institutional Change, 2021:Change topics:Evaluating and/or Measuring Change, 2021:Level of change: Department-level change, National/Multi-institutional change, 2021:Change topics:Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change, 2021:Level of change:Institutional-level change, 2021:Change topics:Change leadership, Connecting Change Theory and Practice
Time: 12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:40pm ET
Using equity data to promote change in introductory classrooms
Marco Molinaro, University of California-Davis; Cait Hayward, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Meryl Motika, University of California-Davis; Eric Bell, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor; Matthew Steinwachs, University of California-Davis; Timothy McKay, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Educational analytics has been in use by our higher education institutions for the last 10 years, or more, with an emphasis on university-wide metrics, advising support and various student-focused focused tools. In ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Equity and Inclusion
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, 2021:Change topics:Promoting Access, Equity and Inclusion, 2021:Institution type:Research-Focused Universities, 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Role of Centers/Faculty Development in Promoting Institutional Change, 2021:Level of change: Department-level change
Time: 12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:40pm ET
Measuring Teaching Practices to Inform Change in Online Undergraduate STEM Courses
Regina Garza Mitchell, Western Michigan University; Whitney DeCamp, Western Michigan University; Brian Horvitz, Western Michigan University; Megan Kowalske, Western Michigan University; Cherrelle Singleton, Western Michigan University
Over many decades, education researchers and practitioners have developed validated instruments for studying traditional in-person classroom-based teaching practices. These instruments are not easily adaptable to ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Measuring Change
Themes: 2021:Institution type:Comprehensive/Regional Universities, Two-Year Colleges, 2021:Change topics:Learning Spaces
Time: 12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:05pm ET
A systematic review of change theory in STEM higher educational change efforts
Tessa C Andrews, University of Georgia; Daniel Reinholz, San Diego State University
STEM educational change projects are increasingly drawing on change theory to consider how and why change occurs. Change theory is a framework of ideas, supported by evidence, that explains some aspect of how or ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Change leadership
Themes: 2021:Change topics:Change leadership, Connecting Change Theory and Practice, 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Scaling and Sustaining Change
Time: 10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:35pm ET
Continuous Improvement and Change Leadership at the Urban University
Matt Renn, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities; Mitzy Gonzalez, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities; Andrea Rodriguez, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities
Higher education institutions throughout the nation employ various continuous improvement processes to operationalize change at all organization levels. Through our ongoing work with three public, urban research ...
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Change leadership
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, 2021:Institution type:Research-Focused Universities, Minority-Serving Institutions, 2021:Change topics:Change leadership, 2021:Level of change:Institutional-level change
Time: 11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:30pm ET
Innovation Spaces are Just the Tip of the (systems) Iceberg: Transforming Hidden Networks into Sustainable Practice
Bill Heinrich, Orbis; Nick Swayne, James Madison University
Presenters will map the systems change processes necessary to realize the benefits of creating new physical innovation spaces--agnostic/neutral spaces, made accessible to all, and inclusive of instruction about the ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Role of Centers/Faculty Development in Promoting Institutional Change, Partnerships Beyond Academia, 2021:Change topics:Learning Spaces, Connecting Change Theory and Practice, 2021:Level of change:Institutional-level change, National/Multi-institutional change, 2021:Institution type:Comprehensive/Regional Universities, Research-Focused Universities, 2021:Change topics:Promoting Access, Equity and Inclusion, Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change
Time: 11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:30pm ET
It depends how you slice it: How measurement and analysis methods affect sensitivity in detecting instructional change following professional development
Charles Hayward, University of Colorado at Boulder; Sandra Laursen, University of Colorado at Boulder; Tim Weston, University of Colorado at Boulder
To assess whether any change initiative has succeeded, it is important to be able to measure the resulting change. Our project draws on data from an established professional development initiative that has offered ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Measuring Change
Themes: 2021:Change topics:Evaluating and/or Measuring Change, 2021:Level of change:National/Multi-institutional change, 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Role of Centers/Faculty Development in Promoting Institutional Change
Time: 11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:30pm ET
Presentations: Session IV
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Working together to promote sustainable change in higher education
Presentations: Session IV
12:40 pm â ...
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Time: 12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:40pm ET
Presentations: Session III
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Working together to promote sustainable change in higher education
Presentations: Session III
12:05 pm â ...
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Time: 12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:05pm ET
Balancing theories of change during institution wide transformation in higher education
Torgny Roxå, , , , , , , , ,
This paper discusses the case of implementing a system for student evaluation of courses (SEC) within a faculty (school) of engineering within a Scandinavian traditional university. The process for implementation ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Change leadership
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, Role of Centers/Faculty Development in Promoting Institutional Change, 2021:Change topics:Evaluating and/or Measuring Change, 2021:Institution type:Research-Focused Universities, 2021:Change topics:Change leadership, Connecting Change Theory and Practice, 2021:Level of change:Institutional-level change
Time: 12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:05pm ET
An Instructional-Teams Project for supporting instructional reform
Susan Hester, The University of Arizona; Karie Lattimore, The University of Arizona; Lisa Rezende, The University of Arizona; Lisa Elfring, The University of Arizona
The Instructional-Teams Project (I-TP) at the University of Arizona is an NSF-funded effort (DUE-1626531) that supports high-quality active-learning instruction in large-enrollment STEM courses through building ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Scaling and Sustaining Change, Role of Centers/Faculty Development in Promoting Institutional Change, 2021:Institution type:Research-Focused Universities, 2021:Level of change: Department-level change, Institutional-level change, 2021:Institution type:Minority-Serving Institutions, 2021:Change topics:Change leadership, Learning Spaces
Time: 10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:35pm ET
Getting Beyond the Flawed Metrics of Student Evaluation Surveys
Josh Beach, 21st Century Literacy
Student evaluation surveys are not valid instruments for evaluating teaching, student learning, or the curriculum. For almost a century, researchers have found that not only are these tools highly correlated with ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Measuring Change
Themes: 2021:Change topics:Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change, 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, 2021:Change topics:Promoting Access, Equity and Inclusion, 2021:Institution type:Comprehensive/Regional Universities, Two-Year Colleges, 2021:Level of change: Department-level change, 2021:Change topics:Evaluating and/or Measuring Change, 2021:Institution type:Minority-Serving Institutions, Research-Focused Universities, Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities
Time: 10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:35pm ET
Poster Session A
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Working together to promote sustainable change in higher education
Poster Session A
12:05 pm â 12:30 pm PT ...
Session Type: Poster Presentation
Time: 12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:05pm ET
Higher Education’s Rapidly Evolving Eco-System: How Must We Adapt
Paul LeBlanc, President of Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU): Dr. Paul J. LeBlanc is President of Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU).Under the 17 years of Paul's direction, SNHU has grown from 2,800 students to over 170,000 learners and is the largest non-profit provider of online higher education in the country...
Session Type: Keynote
Time: 9:30am PT / 10:30am MT / 11:30am CT / 12:9:30am PT / 10:30am MT / 11:30am CT / 12:30pm ET
Presentations: Session I
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Working together to promote sustainable change in higher education
Presentations: Session I
10:35 am â ...
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Time: 10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:35pm ET
Lessons Learned: Successes and Challenges of Implementing a Systems Model for Improving Student Success & Student Retention
Judy Awong-Taylor, Georgia Gwinnett College; Allison D'Costa, Georgia Gwinnett College; Clay Runck, Georgia Gwinnett College; Tirza Leader, Georgia Gwinnett College; David Pursell, Georgia Gwinnett College; Cindy Achat-Mendes, Georgia Gwinnett College; Chantelle Anfuso, Georgia Gwinnett College; Nathan W. Moon, Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus
The School of Science and Technology at Georgia Gwinnett College attracts a highly diverse student population, many from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM education. However, there is disparity in ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Equity and Inclusion
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, Scaling and Sustaining Change, 2021:Change topics:Promoting Access, Equity and Inclusion, 2021:Institution type:Comprehensive/Regional Universities, Two-Year Colleges, 2021:Level of change:Institutional-level change, 2021:Change topics:Evaluating and/or Measuring Change, 2021:Institution type:Minority-Serving Institutions, Research-Focused Universities, Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities
Time: 10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:35pm ET
An Instructional-Teams Project for supporting instructional reform
Pre-Talk Survey Please complete this short survey if you are interested in attending this talk. The submission deadline has passed.
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Time: 10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:10:35am PT / 11:35am MT / 12:35pm CT / 1:35pm ET
Poster Session B
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Working together to promote sustainable change in higher education
Poster Session B
12:40 pm â 1:05 pm PT / ...
Session Type: Poster Presentation
Time: 12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:40pm ET
Achieving department change through theoretically guided work with department heads: The DeLTA Project
Paula Lemons, University of Georgia; Tessa C. Andrews, University of Georgia
The Department and Leadership Teams for Action (DeLTA) project promotes second-order change in STEM undergraduate education at the University of Georgia. DeLTA uses a multilevel approach, collaborating with faculty ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Change leadership
Themes: 2021:Change topics:Aligning faculty incentives with systemic change, 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, 2021:Change topics:Promoting Access, Equity and Inclusion, Evaluating and/or Measuring Change, 2021:Level of change: Department-level change, Institutional-level change, 2021:Institution type:Research-Focused Universities, 2021:Change topics:Connecting Change Theory and Practice, Change leadership
Time: 12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:40pm ET
The Enlightenment Series: Catalyzing Change via Courageous Conversations to Address Racism and Anti-Blackness and Promote Inclusive Excellence at the University of South Florida
Ruthmae Sears, University of South Florida
This presentation will describe a university-wide initiative (Enlightenment Series) to systemically address racism and anti-Blackness to promote inclusive excellence across three geographically dispersed campuses. ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Equity and Inclusion
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, 2021:Change topics:Connecting Change Theory and Practice, 2021:Institution type:Research-Focused Universities, 2021:Change topics:Promoting Access, Equity and Inclusion, 2021:Level of change:Institutional-level change
Time: 11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:30pm ET
Presentations: Session II
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Working together to promote sustainable change in higher education
Presentations: Session II
11:30 am â ...
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Time: 11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:11:30am PT / 12:30pm MT / 1:30pm CT / 2:30pm ET
Creating culturally responsive STEM learning environments through community building at an HSI
Jiwoo An, Texas State University-San Marcos; Mavreen Rose Tuvilla, Texas State University-San Marcos
As a Hispanic Serving University (HSI), Texas State University is working towards not only to graduate students but also to provide culturally enhancing educational experiences to minoritized learners. Our STEM ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Equity and Inclusion
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Scaling and Sustaining Change, Role of Centers/Faculty Development in Promoting Institutional Change, 2021:Change topics:Connecting Change Theory and Practice, 2021:Level of change: Department-level change, Institutional-level change, 2021:Institution type:Minority-Serving Institutions, 2021:Change topics:Evaluating and/or Measuring Change, Promoting Access, Equity and Inclusion
Time: 12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:12:05pm PT / 1:05pm MT / 2:05pm CT / 3:05pm ET
Pooling Knowledge for Rapid Response: Covid-19 Prompted a Network of Research Universities to Share Best Practices for Assessing Student Learning Online
Joshua Potter, University of Kansas Main Campus; Linda Slakey, University of Massachusetts-Amherst; Doug James, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The sudden and wholesale shift in March 2020 away from brick-and-mortar classrooms and toward hybrid and online teaching due to the pandemic was experienced by most faculty as a crisis moment. For many faculty ...
Session Type: Presentation, Concurrent Session
Tracks: 2021:Quality Teaching
Themes: 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Scaling and Sustaining Change, 2021:Change topics:Connecting Change Theory and Practice, 2021:Institution type:Research-Focused Universities, 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Role of Centers/Faculty Development in Promoting Institutional Change, 2021:Level of change:Institutional-level change
Time: 12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:40pm ET
Presentations: Session VII
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Working together to promote sustainable change in higher education
Presentations: Session VII
12:40 pm â ...
Session Type: Concurrent Session
Time: 12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:12:40pm PT / 1:40pm MT / 2:40pm CT / 3:40pm ET
When Seeing is Believing: Generalizability and Decision Studies for Observational Data in Evaluation and Research on Teaching
Tim Weston, University of Colorado at Boulder; Charles Hayward, University of Colorado at Boulder; Sandra Laursen, University of Colorado at Boulder
Structured classroom observations are widely used in research and evaluation of STEM classrooms to characterize teaching and learning activities. Because conducting observations is typically resource intensive, it ...
Session Type: Concurrent Session, Presentation
Tracks: 2021:Quality Teaching
Themes: 2021:Change topics:Learning Spaces, Evaluating and/or Measuring Change, 2021:Stakeholder considerations:Engaging multiple stakeholders in the change process, Scaling and Sustaining Change, 2021:Change topics:Connecting Change Theory and Practice, 2021:Institution type:Comprehensive/Regional Universities, 2021:Level of change: Department-level change, National/Multi-institutional change, Institutional-level change, 2021:Institution type:Two-Year Colleges, Minority-Serving Institutions, Research-Focused Universities, Liberal Arts Colleges and Universities
Time: 1:10pm PT / 2:10pm MT / 3:10pm CT / 4:1:10pm PT / 2:10pm MT / 3:10pm CT / 4:10pm ET