Assessing the Diffusion of Guided-Inquiry Physical Chemistry Laboratory Experiments Through Faculty Workshops
2:45pm - 3:30pm
Admiral | Poster 11
Poster Presentation
Dilhara Liyanage, Virginia Commonwealth University
The POGIL-PCL Project has implemented the principles of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) to improve student learning in the physical chemistry laboratory (PCL) course. Inquiry-driven physical chemistry experiments were developed by POGIL-PCL workshop participants, which resulted in a network of about 150 faculty from a variety of institutions who continue to collaborate on new experiments and to implement completed experiments. Faculty workshops have provided the opportunity to introduce Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning -Physical Chemistry Laboratory (POGIL – PCL) experiments to approximately 150 physical chemistry faculty members from a variety of institutions. Workshop assessment and faculty surveys provide insights to the factors that hinder or improve successful dissemination of POGIL-PCL experiments and ensure the sustainability of the project. We study the resulting diffusion of research-based teaching practices into physical chemistry classrooms and laboratories using social network analysis (SNA). The SNA framework uses graphical analysis to describe and quantify relationships. SNA can provide insight into network resilience – how dependent is the network on a few people – as well as how information and ideas spread through a network. Our results indicate that the POGIL-PCL network is built on a foundation of collaboration through designing, writing, revising, and testing guided-inquiry experiments. The network is further strengthened by historical ties and face-to-face interaction. These insights suggest best practices for sustaining and propagating the adoption of POGIL-PCL as well as for other research-based pedagogies.