Using equity data to promote change in introductory classrooms
Educational analytics has been in use by our higher education institutions for the last 10 years, or more, with an emphasis on university-wide metrics, advising support and various student-focused focused tools. In general, analytics tools and approaches that directly focus on faculty and their students, situated in the classroom, have been rare and efforts to provide this information at scale are slowly emerging. In this presentation we will present two such efforts, the Know Your Students online environment at UC Davis and the Course Equity Reports at the University of Michigan. Both of these approaches bring general and specific equity focused data and tools to faculty as they work to teach their courses. Additionally, prompts and other resources aim to guide faculty into trying activities and interventions that have the potential to improve the equity of outcomes.
As part of SEISMIC, a 10 public R1 institution collaborative, we are sharing our approaches to providing equity data and interventions to faculty. We have already seen new efforts emerging at UC Irvine and UC Santa Barbara as we continue to expand our understanding of the approaches, successes and challenges in sharing equity-focused data with faculty and faculty administrators. We will highlight some of the actions that have emerged thus far.
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