My Interest in ASCN: Anthony DePass

Initial Publication Date: July 5, 2016

Long Island University-Brooklyn Campus

Prior Organizational Change Work

I was the Assistant Vice President for Research Development at my institution and used that position to promote research as well as related funding to promote change in institutional efforts to impact learning climate adn opportunities.

How ASCN Can Contribute to my Work

I lead a national effort on understanding interventions that broaden participation in science careers. Major foci include the intersection of scholarship and practice for activities that effect transformation and change in STEM training.

How I Can Contribute to ASCN

Besides my activities nationally, I am the Principal for a consulting company that works with several institutions in designing and evaluating institutional and externally funded programs that promote change in STEM education at all levels (undergraduate to professional). As such these efforts also focus on institutionalization and change that will be sustainable beyond externally funded support.