My Interest in ASCN: Howard Gobstein

Initial Publication Date: July 1, 2016

Research and Stem Education
Exec VP

Prior Organizational Change Work

Science and Mathematics Teaching Imperative MSP -- 25 APLU institutions and 2 disciplinary societies (APS and ACS) to advance preparation of science teachers over 5 years.

Mathematics Teacher Education Partnership -- 38 teams across 31 states -- universities and K-12 partners using the Carnegie Networked Improvement Community (NIC) framing. Drawing on 5 research action clusters developing education interventions in high priority areas. All toward preparing secondary mathematics teachers; about to expand a subgroup promoting active learning in introductory undergraduate math - pre-calculus through Calc II - very possibly with NSF funding.

AMPSS -- Advancing Math Pathways for Student Success -- Establishing alternative mathematics pathways toward completion in undergraduate degrees - APLU working with 8 other national organizations developing state teams of 2- and 4- year institutions, working with their state education agencies, now in 12-15 states, seeking to expand to 40 states

How ASCN Can Contribute to my Work

Implementation of education transformation across many higher education institutions is what APLU is all about. We are reinventing what an association does and how it serves and stimulates its member institutions and their leaders.

How I Can Contribute to ASCN

What is the role of associations in organizing, stimulating and undertaking institutional collaborations, working with both institutional leaders and faculty? How might we leverage our combined efforts for greater scale? How do university associations most appropriately take advantage of work in specific disciplines? Build greater synergy among institutional leaders and faculty/leader champions?