My Interest in ASCN: Mary Huber

Initial Publication Date: July 1, 2016

Bay View Alliance

Senior Scholar

Prior Organizational Change Work

I have led Carnegie's role in the Integrative Learning Project (in collaboration with AAC&U), which was a community of leaders from ten campuses engaged in various ways of enriching opportunities on their campuses for students to make connections among the various sites of their learning (different courses, disciplines, campus life, community engagement, etc.) I was also on the leadership team for the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (1998-2009), which had a national fellowship program, disciplinary association program, and campus program to support the development of a more scholarly approach to pedagogy. Of course, these initiatives were in support of organizational change on campus, where others led the actual change work in their own organizations (campus, discipline, department, etc.)

How ASCN Can Contribute to my Work

I have been working on change initiatives for some 30 years, first in my role as a senior scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching (1985-2009) and our programs on faculty roles and rewards (Scholarship Reconsidered/Scholarship Assessed), integrative learning, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. More recently, I have had the opportunity to work at campus and network level as a senior scholar with the Bay View Alliance (BVA). Participation in the Accelerating Systemic Change Network will enable our network to learn more broadly from other networks, and explore common problems together, benefiting from a broader range of experience and expertise.

How I Can Contribute to ASCN

I bring experience in a variety of change initiatives (see above) as well as my professional training in cultural anthropology and ethnographic work on colonial institutions and social/cultural change. I have written extensively on cultures of teaching in higher education, and am currently engaged through the BVA in a series of in-depth case studies of STEM departments that have undertaken course transformation initiatives. I can bring what we are learning from these close-to-practice explorations (including the methods we are developing for those explorations) to the deliberations and planning of the Accelerating Systemic Change Network.