On the Road to Culture Change: Making Evidence-Based Teaching the Norm in STEM at a Research I University

Initial Publication Date: May 26, 2017

Ruthmae Sears, Assistant Professor, University of South Florida, Teaching and Learning, ruthmaesears@usf.edu
Robert Potter, University of South Florida
Jennifer Lewis, University of South Florida
Amanda Helip-Wooley, University of South Florida
Scott Campbell, University of South Florida
Peter Stiling, University of South Florida
Gerry Meisels, University of South Florida


The University of South Florida (USF), a large public "Research I" university, in collaboration with our community college partner, Hillsborough Community College (HCC), has embarked on an ambitious project to transform the culture of teaching in STEM departments (Systemic Transformation of Education Through Evidence-Based Reforms, STEER). Our goal is to create a thriving and inclusive community of practice, which supports a student-focused culture in which faculty, instructors, and graduate teaching assistants in Tampa Bay's public postsecondary institutions employ robust evidence-based teaching methodologies. Particularly, the goal is to make evidence-based teaching the norm for STEM classes with the expected outcome of enhanced student success, retention, and graduation. We have taken a multipronged approach to create an environment that promotes high quality STEM teaching at both USF and HCC. STEER seeks to carefully chronicle the process and identify contextual elements key to success and adaptability elsewhere.

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