Model Programs for Creating and Sustaining Diversity in STEM

Initial Publication Date: June 20, 2017

Gloria Thomas, Louisiana State University
Melissa B. Crawford, Louisiana State University
Isiah M. Warner, Louisiana State University


Louisiana State University (LSU) is well known for its preeminence in awarding doctoral degrees in chemistry to African Americans. In fact, during the last decade LSU produced 1 in 11 of the doctoral degrees received by African Americans in chemistry nationally. Fortunately, that impact extends further than the chemistry department on campus. With leadership from LSU chemists and generous funding through federal and state programs, the LSU Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI) has developed a host of programs that serve to impact diversity across STEM disciplines and throughout the pipeline. Each of these programs employs a comprehensive and holistic training model that significantly impacts persistence, particularly among students from diverse groups. Three such programs at LSU, the Louisiana-STEM (LA-STEM) program, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professors Program, and the National Science Foundation Louis Stokes –Louisiana Alliance for Minority Participation (LS-LAMP) Bridge to the Doctorate (BD) activity will be discussed.


LSU Model Programs (Acrobat (PDF) 2.4MB Jun27 17)

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