Diversity at Research I Institution: Georgia State University

Initial Publication Date: May 26, 2017

Dabney Dixon, Professor of Chemistry, Georgia State University, Office of STEM Education Initiatives, ddixon@gsu.edu


The strong commitment of Georgia State University to diversity is seen in the fact that we now rank No.1 in the United States among not-for-profit institutions in awarding bachelor's degrees to African-American students. Much effort in the last seven years has gone into administrative advancements. Programs to connect with students in the summer before entry have been successful. Meta-majors, in which students planning to concentrate in discipline areas take courses together as freshmen have significantly reduced switching between majors. A new centralized advising structure works to identify quickly when students get off track and provide the help that they need to progress smoothly. Small scholarships at critical junctions have improved retention. These efforts have led to significant success. By discipline, we are 1st in the graduation of African American students in the Biological and Biomedical Sciences, 4th in both Physical and Computer Sciences, and 6th in Mathematics and Statistics (2014-2015).

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