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Professional Development

Learning from Evaluation of Effective Teaching Event: Change Leaders Perspectives

Posted: Sep 27 2021 by

Rachel Renbarger
Western Michigan University
Madhura Kulkarni
Northern Kentucky University
Madhura Kulkarni, Northern Kentucky University and Rachel Renbarger, Western Michigan University

Change Topics (Working Groups): Change Leaders, Equity and Inclusion
Target Audience: Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Institution Administration, College/University Staff, Non-tenure Track Faculty
Program Components: Institutional Systems:Evaluating Teaching, Professional Development:Diversity/Inclusion

At the end of August, three ASCN working groups came together to put on an event called, "Evaluation of effective and inclusive teaching: How can teaching and learning center professionals be involved in change for social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion?" (We will refer to social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as JEDI for ease throughout this post.) We recommend that people interested in the event watch the recording and access the resources on the event page, but the purpose of this blog post is to highlight what we learned from this event so that other change agents can implement the findings into their work immediately.

Big questions that we wanted to focus on included the who, what, and how of transforming teaching. To understand how change happens, and how we might help create teaching evaluation change on our campuses, we asked Dr. Susan Elrod to describe her work modeling institutional change. More

Transforming Institutions Takeaways

Posted: Jun 24 2021 by

Rachel Renbarger
Western Michigan University
Rachel Renbarger, Western Michigan University

Change Topics (Working Groups): Assessment, Change Leaders, Guiding Theories, Policy, Costs and Benefits, Faculty Evaluation, Equity and Inclusion
Target Audience: Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Institution Administration, College/University Staff, In-Service K12 Teachers, Non-tenure Track Faculty
Program Components: Professional Development:Cultural Competency, Institutional Systems:Interdepartmental Collaboration, Outreach:Policy Change, Inter-Institutional Collaboration, Professional Development:Diversity/Inclusion, Supporting Students:Professional Preparation

Last week concluded the 2021 Transforming Institutions Conference that marked the 10th year of convening like-minded change leaders. The event was a rousing success; we had over 250 participants from at least 3 continents with over 40 concurrent presentations, 60+ posters, and 4 workshops containing research-based strategies for improving higher education. What did we learn from such an amazing event? More

Departmental Change: Engaging in a Change Initiative

Posted: Mar 17 2021 by

Joel Corbo, University of Colorado Boulder; Courtney Ngai, Colorado State University; Gina Quan, San José State University; Sarah Wise, University of Colorado Boulder

Change Topics (Working Groups): Change Leaders, Guiding Theories
Target Audience: Non-tenure Track Faculty, College/University Staff, Institution Administration, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty
Program Components: Professional Development:Curriculum Development

The Departmental Action Team (DAT) Project supports departments as they make changes to their undergraduate programs. In previous posts, we described the principles that underlie the DAT Project and the initial stages of DAT formation. In this post, we'll share some of what DATs and facilitators do as they engage in a change initiative together. If you are interested in learning more, we are leading a free interactive webinar (Tuesday, March 30, 12-1:30pm EST) about facilitating change using the DAT model. Register for the webinar. More

Join an ASCN working group!

Posted: Feb 19 2020 by
Kate White
Temple University
Kate White (Western Michigan University), ASCN Research Director
Change Topics (Working Groups): Change Leaders, Guiding Theories, Assessment, Costs and Benefits, Equity and Inclusion, Faculty Evaluation
Target Audience: Post-doctoral Fellows, Institution Administration, Teaching/Learning Assistants, Pre-Service K12 Teachers, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, In-Service K12 Teachers, College/University Staff, Non-tenure Track Faculty
Program Components: Professional Development:Leadership, Institutional Systems:Physical Infrastructure, Professional Development:Diversity/Inclusion, Institutional Systems:Evaluating Promotion and Tenure, Incentive/Reward Systems

Have you been considering joining one of our working groups, but aren't sure where to start? Here you'll find updates on what each of our groups is working on and more information on how to get involved in 2020. You can join any of our working groups by filling out this short form. Keep reading to learn more about how we're exploring theories of change; the costs, benefits, and impact of change; change leadership; equity and inclusion in systemic change; aligning faculty work with change; and learning spaces. More

Building on the BOSE Report of Indicators for STEM Education

Posted: Mar 23 2018 by
David Bressoud
Macalester College
David Bressoud, Macalester College
Change Topics (Working Groups): Guiding Theories, Change Leaders
Target Audience: Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Institution Administration, Non-tenure Track Faculty, College/University Staff
Program Components: Supporting Students:Professional Preparation, Academic Support, Professional Development:Diversity/Inclusion

As everyone probably knows by now, the National Academies have released their Indicators for Monitoring Undergraduate STEM Education.

There clearly is much overlap with the charge to the Working Group on Demonstrating Change. We would appreciate informal discussion around two questions:
  1. Is there anything left for us to do?
  2. Assuming the answer to #1 is "yes," how can we shape our work so as to build on this report? More