Higher Education Instructional-Workforce Framework
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Norway 2

In this symposium, we will introduce a Higher Education Instructional-Workforce Framework, authored by members of the National Academies Roundtable on Systemic Change in Undergraduate STEM Education. With principles of justice, equity, inclusion, and diversity at its core, the framework supports institutions seeking to advance their educational missions by helping them enact coordinated change across multiple institutional levels and with three intertwined aspects of instructional work: governance, professional development, and evaluation and reward systems. Participants will leave the symposium with an understanding of the instructional workforce framework for coordinated change in undergraduate education.
Our goals are to:
1. Introduce and explain the Higher Education Instructional-Workforce Framework
2. Engage participants in applying the Framework to their own institutional setting through an exercise that asks them to explore in small groups example applications by the higher education sector.
3. Collect feedback on the application (usefulness or potential limitations) of the framework
4. Conclude the symposium in a full group discussion about strategies and approaches to improve conditions and practices for and with those who teach undergraduates.
Presentation Media
Higher Education Instructional-Workforce Framework (Acrobat (PDF) 1.3MB Jun8 23)