Coordinating for a SEA Change
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Scandinavian 2
Beth Ruedi, AAAS
Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, Purdue University-Main Campus
Maurine Neiman, University of Iowa
Nilda Flores-Gonzalez, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Amoaba Gooden, Kent State University-Main Campus
Institutional change efforts to diversify faculty can be disparate, uncoordinated, or lacking in buy-in from the people closest to the work. In this symposium, team leads at three SEA Change member institutions will share their strategies for alignment of established institutional change efforts across campus and their approach to getting faculty buy-in. Each campus is unique; thus, each approach will be context-specific—how did the teams determine a method of engagement that would be effective? How are the teams conveying to stakeholders that their programs aren't being replaced, but rather are being aligned? Finally, participants will hear how faculty are being engaged in change team efforts during SEA Change self-assessment and action planning, including the range of roles represented on the team and how the institution is compensating them for their efforts.