Enhancing use of learning sciences research in planning for and supporting educational change: Leveraging and building social networks

Enhancing use of learning sciences research in planning for and supporting educational change: Leveraging and building social networks

Penuel, Bell, Bevan, Buffington and Falk, Journal of Educational Change. 17,2,251-278. Interesting paper on efforts to leverage recent research on social networks to inform Next Generation Science Standards implementation across a set of professional associations and school districts. Although this paper involves K-12 teachers and administrators, it may be of value in our effective communication work.

Suggested Citation

Penuel, W.R., Bell, P., Bevan, B., Buffington, P., and Falk, J. (2016) Enhancing use of learning sciences research in planning for and supporting educational change: Leveraging and building social networks, J Educ Change (2016) 17: 251.