My Interest in ASCN: Amy Chang

Initial Publication Date: May 11, 2017

American Society for Microbioogy
Education Director

Prior Organizational Change Work

In my position at ASM, I have lead numerous organizational changes, mainly working with the life sciences societies. The landmark event was establishing the Coalition for Education in the Life Sciences (CELS) in the early 1990's - the coalition sought to bring attention to undergraduate education among the life sciences societies. A second organizational change occurred when ASM established a division for microbiology education. ASM divisions are the key drivers for planning the annual meeting content; establishing the division afforded microbiology educators time, space and a budget to sponsor education sessions at a research conference. The final change is the commitment from ASM operating expenses to sponsor opportunities for trainees to consider careers outside traditional doctoral-level academic institutions.

How ASCN Can Contribute to my Work

I am well positioned at ASM to develop and lead life scientists in institutional change. I've had over 25 years of putting forth best practices in teaching, learning, mentoring and leading. I would with departmental chairs, center directors, and other higher education leaders to bring about change at their institutions. I also work with the other life sciences societies.

How I Can Contribute to ASCN

The following programs have led to institutional changes in the life sciences:
ASM Curriculum Guidelines - being adopted by faculty and textbooks worldwide
ASM Biosafety Guidelines for Teaching Laboratories - being adopted by faculty and laboratory developers worldwide
ASM Biology Scholars Program - opportunity to develop biologists to be scholarly in their teaching practices and to serve their professional societies as leaders
ASM Conference for Undergraduate Educators - annual conference for 400 undergraduate biology educators to discuss best practices in teaching, mentoring and assessment. The annual conference boasts 45-50% first timers indicating that this conference serves many beginning faculty.
ASM Science Teaching Fellows - hybrid course to develop graduate students and postdoctoral fellows about teaching science at non-doctoral institutions