My Interest in ASCN: Jillian Kinzie

Initial Publication Date: May 11, 2017

Indiana University-Bloomington
Center for Postsecondary Research, NSSE & NILOA
Associate Director

Prior Organizational Change Work

How ASCN Can Contribute to my Work

The NSSE project endeavors to support evidence-based improvements to effective educational practice at the undergraduate level -- both at institutions that participate in NSSE (more than 1,600) but also to conduct research relevant to the field to examine practice and inform change in higher education more broadly. We've been examining STEM student experiences for many years, and more recently changes in STEM field practice over time. Would be good to connect our work with broader change initiatives and find synergies among projects that we are unlikely to come into contact with on our own.

How I Can Contribute to ASCN

The NSSE project and activities discussed above would be helpful to share, and get input from this informed audience. It would also be useful to share the work from NILOA, which promotes learning outcomes assessment, and includes some work on STEM assignments and outcomes. Combined, these projects help focus attention on educational processes and outcomes.