My Interest in ASCN: Judith Ramaley

Initial Publication Date: May 11, 2017

Portland State University
College of Urban and Public Affairs
Distinguished Professor and President Emerita

Prior Organizational Change Work

As president of three universities, I have led large scale organizational change efforts in very different contexts and in the framework of different institutional missions and community relationships,

How ASCN Can Contribute to my Work

I have been involved in rethinking undergraduate STEM education since I served as Assistant Director of the Education and Human Resources Directorate at NSF from 2001-2005. I continue to serve as a consultant and advisor on STEM education and systematic change and am eager to contribute to this project.

How I Can Contribute to ASCN

I have had experience in promoting large-scale institutional change at Portland State, the University of Vermont and Winona State University (Mn) and have written extensively on the leadership of change. I also have served as a faculty member for several AAC&U projects and as an executive in residence at many Engagement Academies. I have offered webinars on the topic of launching and expanding efforts to enhance STEM learning.