Submit Perspectives on Evaluating Effective Teaching

Initial Publication Date: March 30, 2021

In January of 2021, the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) hosted the National Dialogue on Transforming STEM Teaching Evaluation in Higher Education . According to NASEM, the goals of the dialogue were to "contextualize the critical importance of effective and inclusive teaching today; understand the broad array of models and approaches to improve the evaluation of teaching; and examine strategies on how to address cross-cutting challenges to reform processes for evaluating teaching." Scholars from around the country shared research projects, engaged in the discussion forum, and listened to plenary speakers around these goals.

Many ASCN members participated in this event and we want to hear your "aha!" moments from the dialogue. What did you learn? What are key takeaways on teaching evaluation? Submit your thoughts (400-500 words) below as a part of a blog series hosted by our Working Group 6 (Aligning Incentives with Systemic Change).

Leader Christine Broussard wrote about the dialogue, the progress since the dialogue, and raised new questions about effectively evaluating teaching. See an example from ASCN Working Group 6 Co-Leader Kadian Callahan. We will feature these on the ASCN channels to continue the conversation around best practices in transforming teaching evaluation.

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By submitting my thoughts, I agree that ASCN can contact me and/or post my name, institution/organization, and NASEM takeaways under a Creative Commons license.