Target Audience
- College/University Staff 7 matches
- Graduate Students 2 matches
- In-Service K12 Teachers 2 matches
- Institution Administration 7 matches
- Non-tenure Track Faculty 7 matches
- Post-doctoral Fellows 3 matches
- Pre-Service K12 Teachers 1 match
- Teaching/Learning Assistants 2 matches
- Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty 7 matches
Program Components Show all
Implementing Integrated Comprehensive Student Programs in STEM: Challenges and Facilitators from the CSU STEM Collaboratives
Target Audience: Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty, Institution Administration, Non-tenure Track Faculty, College/University Staff
Program Components: Supporting Students:Academic Support, Mentoring Program, Institutional Systems:Strategic Planning
In my last post, I described the benefits of integrated support programs for underrepresented students in STEM. These integrated programs bridge organizational silos and build a unified community of support, in which faculty and staff work together to break down barriers to student success. The campuses that participated in the CSU STEM Collaboratives project saw increased student success and other organizational benefits as a result of creating integrated programs.
While integration across functional areas represents a promising strategy for supporting student success, it represents a new way of working in higher education. Implementing integrated programs presents some unique challenges that may not be evident when implementing other types of interventions. In this post, I will briefly discuss a few of these challenges, as well as some strategies that STEM Collaboratives campuses used to overcome them. More
Turning on the Thrive Channel to Accelerate Change in Higher Education
Target Audience: Non-tenure Track Faculty, College/University Staff, Institution Administration, Tenured/Tenure-track Faculty
Program Components: Institutional Systems:Strategic Planning
A key challenge is that achieving change in any organization is hard. It is complicated. It involves many levels of the organization. It is motivated by a variety of purposes. It is challenged by competing agendas. It is frequently stalled by a variety of obstacles.
Further, positive change requires a vision, strategy, and tactics. But most importantly, it requires effective change leadership. What does that actually entail? More