Initial Publication Date: December 20, 2024

How to Use the Survey

The Team Member Perceptions of Instructional Change Team Collaboration (TM-PICC) survey is intended to be taken by all members of an instructional change team. An instructional change team is defined here as a group of 3 or more people who are working together to improve a specific course or set of courses in a higher education setting. Individual team members' scores can be combined to provide a snapshot of the team's current strengths and areas for improvement.

The survey includes 46 multiple-choice items and should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

There are two main options for administering the survey and compiling the results.

1. You can submit a request to have the research team administer the survey for you.

You will be asked to submit a contact list of all team members. You can submit a request for multiple teams or a single team. The research team will use this information to distribute the survey via Qualtrics. If at least 3 people from a team take the survey, you will receive a report summarizing the team's results within a week of the survey close date. Encouraging team members to look for an email from Qualtrics and take the survey by your chosen deadline tends to significantly improve response rates.

Note that individual team members will be asked if they consent to participate to have their data included in future research studies that leverage the TM-PICC survey. Team members who do not consent can still take the survey and have their data included in the report that is shared with you.

View a full example report (Acrobat (PDF) 1.1MB Nov15 24)

Submit a request »

2. You can administer and score the survey yourself.

You can administer the survey independently by copying the survey items and instructions into the survey editor of your choice. You could also administer the survey on paper. After all team members have completed the survey, you will need to score the survey by following the scoring guide.

If you would like further assistance compiling a report from the data, please use option 1 instead.

Survey items and instructions (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 12kB Nov15 24)

Scoring guide (Acrobat (PDF) 44kB Nov15 24)


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These web pages are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Education & Human Resource under grants #1525393, #1914857, and #1914880.

Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.