COVID-19 Recommended Resources from ASCN

Kate White
Temple University
Kate White (Western Michigan University), ASCN Research Director

published Mar 25, 2020 8:43am

Updated: 6/4/20

We know that many of you are dealing with changes at your institutions as we all come together to flatten the curve. Many organizations have been sharing resources and guidance for remote work, online teaching, and more. In this post you'll find links to some recommended resources that we have collected. Our regular events (webinars, working group meetings, etc.) are continuing -- please contact us if you would like to get involved!

We will continue to update this post as needed.

Keep up with the latest news

Make the move to remote teaching

Remote Teaching Resources

Assessment & Evaluation Resources


Many organizations are providing webinars on topics related to the crisis.

Teaching & Assessment

  • Recording, March 12: You can watch the recording of the POD Network's March 12 webinar, Keep Teaching During Campus Emergencies, on their site.
  • Recordings, week of March 23: Columbia University's School of Social Work is also providing a webinar series in the week of March 23 for faculty who are new to teaching online. You can RSVP here or catch up with the recordings on YouTube later. The recording of the March 23 webinar, The basics of student engagement and online instructor presence, is already available!
  • Recording, March 26: Mays Imad at Pima Community College presented "Trauma-Informed Teaching & Learning" on Thursday, March 26 at noon PST. Watch now and download the slides. Dr. Imad, a neurobiologist, specializes in stress, cognition, and student learning. Dr. Imad is offering a second webinar focused on how we as non-experts in trauma-informed practices can directly address issues of anxiety and stress with our students so they better understand their own learning processes in this time of great uncertainty on April 3 at 3pm ET. Register now.
  • Series, recorded: NILOA is starting a webinar series that will be held every Thursday at 3pm ET through the end of April. Topics include assignment design, curriculum mapping, evidence-based storytelling, and transparency in teaching.
  • Series, recorded: the Aspire Alliance's online workshop series, Teaching Inclusively & Equitably Online Workshop. Register now and keep up with the series on their site.
    • Workshop 1, 4/2: Teaching Inclusively & Equitably Online: Course Outcomes and Storyboarding
    • Workshop 2, 4/3: Teaching Inclusively & Equitably Online: Using an Inclusive Pedagogical Framework
  • Series, AAC&U Faculty Friday Webinars: 4/3 Teaching, Learning, and Assessing in Remote Learning Environments. Register now.
  • Series, ACUE Effective Online Instruction: a monthlong webinar series from ACUE that begins 4/2 at 2pm ET with Welcoming Students to your Online Environment. Future topics include managing and organizing online courses, planning quality discussions, and engaging students online.
  • Recording, May 14: Ithaka S+R presented "Assessment Now: Cross-Campus Collaborations." Watch now.
  • Recording, May 6: Transforming Assessment presented "Online exam challenges: migration or transformation?." Watch now.
  • Recording, June 10: "An HBCU Blueprint for the Digital Future: "Teaching and Learning in a Virtual Space" Watch now.
  • Series, recorded: Teaching Remotely Pop-Up Series from the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Washington. Watch now.

Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis

  • Series, NASEM Board on Higher Education and the Workforce: Postsecondary Response to COVID-19: Hubs of Knowledge and Resources for the Nation. Recordings available at the link:
    • "Over the next several weeks, the Board on Higher Education of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will be hosting a series of conversations to bring together academic, industry, government, and civic leaders across the country to understand the varied facets of what has happened so far, what is currently happening, and what is expected to happen in the weeks and months ahead. Each conversation will focus on a specific topic related to how the 4,000+ colleges and universities—and the researchers who work there—are supporting the response efforts."
  • May 27: The NASEM Board on Higher Education and the Workforce presents COVID-19 and the Mission of the U.S. Public University: A Virtual Town Hall Discussion. Register at the link for this webinar on Wednesday, May 27 at 2:45pm ET.

And more

There are many ongoing discussions and calls for sharing of resources on the POD Network Google Group.

We will also share relevant articles here. Please send us any suggestions!

Suggested citation:

White, K. (2020, March 24). COVID-19 Recommended Resources from ASCN. Retrieved from:

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