published Nov 14, 2017 11:48am
With decades of growing evidence on effective teaching practices in STEM disciplines, much of it field-specific thanks to the Discipline Based Education Research (DBER) communities, information about what to do to improve STEM education is readily available. Yet, national adoption of evidence-based teaching practices in STEM fields lags behind, with abundant examples of short-lived individual efforts and institutional reforms that don't "stick." Something else is going on. One factor at play may be the deeper tensions between new approaches to teaching and faculty members' concepts about identity and the nature of their work in higher education. This webinar will explore key ideas from the literature on faculty work/life, identity, and adoption in an approachable way. Participants will interactively explore tools for identifying and resolving tensions, guiding faculty toward sustainable adoption of evidence-based teaching practices, and engaging or changing institutional structures to address these tensions.

This webinar is designed for faculty, disciplinary, and institutional change agents (e.g., department chairs, vice provosts, administrators, educational developers, faculty learning community facilitators, disciplinary association members and leaders) who are interested in moving the needle on adoption of research-based instructional strategies in STEM fields.

Presenter: Dr. Cassandra Volpe Horii (Founding Director, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Outreach at the California Institute of Technology; President-Elect of the POD Network in Higher Education)

Date: Wednesday, January 17th at 9:30 am PT | 10:30 am MT | 11:30 am CT | 12:30 pm ET