Clay Runck

Georgia Gwinnett College

Workshop Participant, Webinar Participant, Website Contributor

Website Content Contributions

Other Contributions (3)

Course-embedded Undergraduate Research Experiences: A 4-year CURE curriculum model for closing the performance gap in under-prepared and under-represented groups in STEM fields. part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2021:Program:Poster Presentations:Poster Session C:Poster Session C-2
The School of Science and Technology at Georgia Gwinnett College has incorporated Course-embedded Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) for 9 years as part of a comprehensive systems approach model to ...

Lessons Learned: Successes and Challenges of Implementing a Systems Model for Improving Student Success & Student Retention part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2021:Program:Presentations:Session I
The School of Science and Technology at Georgia Gwinnett College attracts a highly diverse student population, many from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM education. However, there is disparity in ...

Transforming STEM education using a multipronged systems approach and High Impact Practices (HIPs) part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2019:Program:Thematic Symposia
Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) is an open access institution that attracts a highly diverse population of students, including many from groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM education. To address the needs ...