ShareVIP as a means for improving access to undergraduate research and scholarly identity within the undergraduate curriculum

There is ample evidence in the literature [references will be given on the poster] that engaging undergraduate students in effectively mentored research, scholarship, and/or creative activity aids in the development of their scholarly identity, retention to degree and successful launch to their professional career path. The two main challenges that many institutions face are how to make this experience integral and integrated into the students' degree programs for ALL students while also making it integral and integrated into faculty workload expectations. The goal of integrating these experiences into degree plans and faculty workload distributions makes this a systemic institutional change goal.
This poster will describe our experience with, and our plans for, integrating Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP) [will give references on the poster] into undergraduate degree plans and into faculty workload distributions as a change strategy to ensure equitable, accessible, and inclusive experiential learning for all students. In brief, VIP is a curricular intervention that has the following central tenets at Boise State: It is
Tied to the authentic scholarship of the faculty member
Curricular so it is available to all
Accessible - at the intro level there are no prerequisites - you prove you can do the work by doing the work rather than by prior experience
Vertical - more senior students mentor and onboard the entering students
Cross-disciplinary whenever possible - students are not limited by major and faculty are encouraged to team with others from other disciplines;
And it counts - both for students (in their degree plan) and for faculty (in their workload expectations).
Our poster will include examples of some innovative ways that illustrate how we are achieving these tenets at Boise State including how we are fully integrating VIP into degree plans from first year through to disciplinary capstone experiences; while also building it into faculty workload distributions.
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