Mary Wright
Brown University
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (2)
What did we START? Three Years Supporting Intergenerational Department Change Teams to Build Anti-racist Courses and Curricula part of Transforming Institutions Conference 2023:Program:Presentations:Session K
In the summer of 2020, three Brown University faculty (2 STEM, 1 humanities) and three staff from Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning began developing the Seminar on Transformation around Anti-Racist Teaching ...
It's a START: Supporting Intergenerational Department Change Teams to Build Anti-racist Courses and Curricula part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2021:Program:Presentations:Session IX
Like many institutions of higher education, Brown University has established an institutional imperative to address diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) on many levels, and like many centers for teaching and ...