Sandhya Krishnan
University of Colorado at Boulder
My name is Sandhya Krishnan and I'm currently at the University of Colorado at Boulder as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow. I received the NSF STEM Education PRF to study students' experiences of failures in course-based undergraduate research experiences. I am also interested in questions around departmental and institutional change as a result of: (1) work in my graduate studies in looking at how departments think about and engage in teaching evaluation reform (with the DeLTA project team at the University of Georgia); and (2) work with FLAMEnet, a research coordination network that has leveraged member interests to create a community of changemakers.
Outside of work, I love to travel around the world or explore nearby trails with my Great Pyrenees puppy, Alfie!
I am excited to meet more folks interested in institutional change work at ASCN 2023. See you there!
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (2)
Leveraging a research network to empower institutional change in undergraduate STEM education part of Transforming Institutions Conference 2023:Program:Symposia:Session I
This symposium shares the journey of an NSF-funded Research Coordination Network in uniting a group of instructors, education researchers, psychologists, and students to empower institutional change. FLAMEnet – ...
Just tell me what to do: Guides for departments who want more robust and equitable teaching evaluation part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2021:Program:Poster Presentations:Poster Session B:Poster Session B-2
Departments that recognize, encourage, and reward effective teaching can help faculty prioritize continuous teaching improvement. Yet many STEM departments lack robust teaching evaluation practices. Teaching ...