SharePreparing for Undergraduate Research at Scale: A Hybrid Approach

Participation in undergraduate research experiences (UREs) correlates with success in STEM careers. Research gives students practical experience in problem-solving, which is often the defining aspect of a STEM career. Key student outcomes include setting criteria for decisions, building knowledge, gains in scientific practice, and expertise in understanding literature. Students practice expressing their ideas in both oral and written settings and collaborating with one another; advances are made via teams of people contributing in various areas of expertise. Almost all modern scientific research has a significant digital technology component, which is often best learned in dealing with real-world problems. Undergraduate experience also promotes diversity in the workforce.
Many of our students have difficulty finding a research group or mentor. They may not understand how to approach a professor, lack the self-confidence to do so, or may be missing skills that would make them an attractive candidate. It is vital to continue encouraging students toward research careers.
At our institutions, we have developed programs that can be offered online to meet this goal (Research Rookies, High Point University; Research Recruits, Georgia State University). Peer mentors are available to help students. These programs promote research skills and offer students a competitive edge as they seek to find a research group that matches their interests. We will present details of these programs as prototypes that other institutions can tailor to their specific situations and student bodies.
Problem-solving skills, familiarity with the literature, collaboration strategies, and writing and presentation experience all lead to a good job in the desired field. We will present results related to the career competencies that ~400 GSU STEM alumni report they learned via UREs. These can be used to design research readiness programs that are structured around meaningful career impact.