ShareFour Levers for SEISMIC Change

The Sloan Equity and Inclusion in STEM Introductory Courses (SEISMIC) collaboration brings together researchers, educators, and administrators across 10 large public research universities in the U.S. The collaboration is interdisciplinary by design, connecting scholars across STEM and non-STEM fields with a common goal of making introductory STEM courses equitable and inclusive. Grounded in Beach, Henderson, and Finkelstein's four categories of change strategies (2011) , SEISMIC aims to promote departmental and institutional change through developing a shared vision and motivating new policies. This collaboration works towards institutional change and transformation from four interrelated perspectives.
- Our Measurement Working Group uses institutional data to characterize STEM courses across SEISMIC in terms of equity and inclusion.
- Our Experiments Working Group utilizes classroom innovations to test out potential solutions to inequitable and exclusionary class structures.
- Our Implementing Change Working Group works at the campus administration level, assessing how to communicate the equity problems we are observing and the potential solutions we are implementing. This group works to understand how institutional structures could support or hinder our change efforts.
- Finally, our Constructs Working Group dives deeper into the foundations of our collaboration's work, helping us to understand what we mean by equitable and inclusive classrooms and what the realization of our goals would fully entail.
Together, these four SEISMIC perspectives contribute to our collaboration's understanding of effective approaches to studying equity and inclusion in STEM and transforming our institutions to be equitable and inclusive. This poster will break down the key efforts of each of our Working Groups, the tensions involved in interdisciplinary, inter-institutional work, and highlight how we can achieve SEISMIC change in higher education through the coordination of these four perspectives.