For Serckit Authors

Initial Publication Date: April 10, 2006

These pages describe the use of Serckit, the SERC Content Management System (CMS). You can certainly skip down to the links below and plunge in. But if you're feeling disoriented there are two questions who's answers might help clarify things: What is a CMS? Why should I bother to use one?


How to Start Editing Web Pages

Instructions for using Serckit workspaces 
If you're using a SERC-hosted Workspace here's a quick guide to the features.

Instructions for Authors of Single Pages
If you're working with a single page (perhaps a teaching activity submitted through a form) you can get access to your page and start editing using our QuickEdit interface with these instructions.

Learn How to to Access a Module through the Serckit Administrative Interface 
If you've been given access to an entire module where you can work with a multiple pages and create new ones this is the place to start.