Initial Publication Date: June 4, 2018

Geoscience Education Research (GER) Division Awards

NAGT's GER Division is pleased to offer several Division awards:

Early Career Award

The Early Career Award is linked to the career stage associated with the formation and establishment of one's research area. To be eligible for this award, a nominee must be an active member of the NAGT-GER Division. Furthermore, it is an eligibility requirement that the nominee be in the last two years of a PhD program or in the first three years of a GER position/career. Learn more about the Early Career Award »

Collaboration and Growth (mid-career) Award

The Collaboration and Growth Award is linked to the mid-career stage, associated with the expansion of one's research area through collaborations and growth. Such collaboration and growth lead to advances in one or more research areas. This award emphasizes interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research. There are two eligibility options for this award. Learn more about the
Collaboration and Growth Award »

Transformation (advanced career) Award

The Transformation Award is linked to the advanced career stage, associated with generativity and transformation that represent investments in GER scholars across generations. To be eligible for this award, a nominee must be an active member of the NAGT-GER Division. Furthermore, it is recommended (but not required) that the nominee be 15 years or more into their GER career. This award honors colleagues who have made and continue to make outstanding contributions to GER, GER's applications to geoscience education, and capacity building within the GER community commensurate with an advanced career stage. Learn more about the
Transformation Award »