Initial Publication Date: December 6, 2013

Workshop Template

This template is based on 3-day workshops that were conducted by the CAM project in the Summer of 2013. The aim of the workshops were to provide participants with hands-on training in bringing student media production into climate science education. Workshop presenters introduced media formats that can be used in a wide range of instructional environments to enable students to communicate their understanding of climate science to their peers, families, and the broader community. Participants worked in small groups to create a selection of media pieces, using educator-friendly lesson plans developed by science and media teachers and tested with high school and university students.


The goals of this workshop are to:

  • Demonstrate the power of using student-created media to communicate climate science
  • Learn to create a number of educator- and student-friendly media products that can be implemented in the classroom
  • Pilot- test an online media toolkit for educators
  • Collaborate with other educators to share ideas and strategies for teaching climate science through media production


A generic agenda has been distilled from the ones used in the Summer 2013 workshops and is available with presentations and other files embedded in the page at the appropriate points.