Join the Network

Please fill out the following survey to express your interest in the network and to tell us about yourself.

ASCN would like everyone interested in institutional change to be part of the discussion. Depending on your level of interest, ASCN has three basic levels of involvement:

  1. Mailing List Subscriber: The ASCN email list is an open list for discussion related to creating and/or studying change in higher education.
  2. Working Group Follower: Receive periodic email updates from the working group or groups of their interest, as well as updates from the ASCN Leadership.
  3. Working Group Member: Become an active participant in one of the ASCN working groups.

We appreciate your participation, and look forward to working with you in the Accelerating Systemic Change Network.

There may be a delay for new members as we are hiring a new member for our team. Thank your for your patience.

IMPORTANT: Do not leave this page without clicking on the SUBMIT button. If you leave this page without submitting, your entries in the form will be lost and will have to be reentered.

Much of the work of the network is organized around working groups. If you would like to receive updates on the progress of any working group(s), indicate them below. Working Group Descriptions (link opens in new window):


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