Guidelines For Commenting

Although anyone may read the ASCN blog, if you want to post a comment you will be asked to register. To register, you will be asked for your name and email address. The editors reserve the right to delete comments and/or suspend accounts whenever we judge it in the best interests of our mission.

In preparing your comment, please keep in mind:

  • ASCN expects to venture into controversial topics and provocative ideas. Even if you feel strongly about a topic, please comment with civility and respect. Ad hominem attacks will be deleted.
  • ASCN values opinions and intuitions. However, make it clear when you are expressing an opinion. Don't state an opinion as fact.
  • When citing facts, please provide references or links, or make it clear that you are describing what you saw or experienced personally.
  • If you want to include material from the published work of others, stay within the "fair use" guidelines of the Bloggers' Legal Guide. In general, this means copying only a small portion of a published work, using the material in a "transformative" manner, and providing a credit or citation for the source.
  • By commenting on this blog, you give permission for use and redistribution of your comment with attribution under a Creative Commons license Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0