Eliza J. Reilly
National Center for Science and Civic Engagement
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (3)
Leveraging the connections in a state system of schools to accelerate dissemination of inclusive, high impact educational practices through tiered professional development and mentoring. part of Transforming Institutions Conference 2023:Program:Poster Presentations
Educators once comfortable with traditional teaching strategies witnessed their inadequacy during the pandemic creating an opportunity to leverage this moment to accelerate broad adoption of evidence-based ...
Back to the Future: Recovering the Civic Purpose of Science Education part of Transforming Institutions Conference 2023:Program:Presentations:Session H
Since the assault on the US Capitol there is no longer any question that US democracy is in crisis. Racial, economic, social, and political divisions are growing. Media manipulation, gerrymandering, voter ...
Science Education as Civic Education: The Future of STEM Learning part of Accelerating Systemic Change Network:Events:Meetings and Conferences:Transforming Institutions Conference 2021:Program:Presentations:Session IX
Spurred by twin crises of COVID-19 and climate change, and an uncertain employment horizon, the goals for STEM education have shifted from developing a STEM capable workforce to broader and more durable ...